Light Reflectors?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Sorry but I searched and couldnt find an answer. Does anyone know where you can buy some not TOO expensive light reflectors? Which stores? I am from Canada and just checked Home Depot, Walmart, Canadian Tire, and Rona and couldnt find any (online) I want to go to the actual store to buy them. So if anyone knows where to get some or take a look I would greatly apprecaite it.


(Light reflector)


Active Member
any local hydro shop should carry basic open air reflectors. although i would reccommend ordering online through for what your looking for. this is an example of what i am talking about your picture looks more like your looking to put a CFL bulb.


Well-Known Member
Well I am going to check out Rona and Homedepot later. Walmart had no idea what the hell I was talking about, figures. (We dont have any hydro stores)