Light schedule for autos


Well-Known Member
I intended to run 20/4 but recently discovered that the timer that came with my light doesn't work and my light has been running 24/0. Seedlings seem to exhibit normal growth compared to others in journals I've seen. For energy conservation purposes, I'm going to switch to 20/4 gradually over a few days when I take them out of the florescent seeking light and put them under HID.


Well-Known Member
I have a free seed I got with one of my orders, I have her in a potting soil and manure mix watering 1 liter of water sun,tues,thurs with Thursday being only water the other 2feedings she gets some ff big bloom. I have been running her 24/0 since she was a seedling, she is starting to show pistils for almost a week now so I am debating on switching her to 20/4 but I don’t want to stress her out to much! Should I stick with 24/0 or try to give her a little rest?? She’s been topped, and I don’t know whether to consider it super cropped or monster cropped, and I’ve been defoliating throughout yesterday was her last trim for a couple of weeks!



Well-Known Member
24/0 all the way for autos....i’ve consistently yielded 25-35% more off of great auto genetics in 24/0 than 20/4 or 18/6 (mostly Mephisto strains)....although occasionally they seem to take longer to mature under 24hr light.


Well-Known Member
I’m new to growing but I think there should be lights off at some point for the plants and even for the lights to just cool off.
I don’t feel like working my lights to an early death on 24/0. My autos express more fragrance at night , they hit a saturation point and droop when it’s time to turn off light. But different strokes for different folks. I find that 25 % increase in yield claim of 24/0 a bit much , its more like 25% more electricity used. This subject is always a back and forth issue ....

We have a sunrise and sunset .... We have a Day and night .... Majority of plants on earth see a light and dark period .
We have long days and short days ....
So there’s that . I don’t like passing off Mother Nature .... lol
