Light Schedule


Quick ques, when do you guys change ur light times. Should I just go with 24/0 lighting untill the plant is showing flowering then go 12/12 till the end, OR should I do 24/0 for a couple weeks, then 18/6, then 12/12???

just tell me what times you did and how it worked out for you, when you switched the lighting times would be nice. (after how many weeks or how tall the plant was.) thanks


Well-Known Member
depending on the lights you are using 24hrs of light is fine. some plants cant handle HID lighting for 24 hrs. your grow space will have to determine how tall you let it get before putting it into flowering. about 18 inches it about right ended up with a 3 foot plant


depending on the lights you are using 24hrs of light is fine. some plants cant handle HID lighting for 24 hrs. your grow space will have to determine how tall you let it get before putting it into flowering. about 18 inches it about right ended up with a 3 foot plant
well I have closet.. 2 1/2 feet from the door to the wall back. 4 feet wide, 6 Ft. tall

8 CFL lights, i don't remember the watt (the biggest kind of cfl you can buy at wal-mart/ home depot) so, I could do 24/0 till 18 inch or so, then switch over to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
24/0 works but I haven't tried it personally. I do 18/6 right off the bat and I personally think the plant need at least a little dark period to rest. She'll really grow and spread out durring the dark phases too. Id say 18/6 for a few weeks of veg then just switch straight off to 12/12 when ready to flower

But if it's autoflower, you dont have to change the light cycle at all


Well-Known Member
When I used the 18/6 to 12/12 everything went smoothly. Last month I did my first 24/7 grow and it is an improvement. However, I made the mistake of going straight to 12/12 and the plant stretched out a lot the very first night. Its still to soon for me to know how much this will affect the end results, but next time I'll switch it to 18/16 for a week, then 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I do 20/4 for my plants. I top around week three, and veg under CFL's for 8 weeks total - they are around a foot tall when they go in to flower, and finish from there between three and four feet. The four hours of darkness gives my girls time to rest, and builds a better root system - not to mention allowing your lights to take a break. When flowering time comes I just switch - no lead-up.

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
24 for the first 2 weeks. Then DEFINITELY change to 18/6 until you want to flower. The plants need their rest and you'll be able to tell because as soon as you flip to 18/6, the growth will noticeably accelerate. I see it every single time I grow from seed.

I also see it as soon as my clones root and I flip from 24 to 18. You may think that the growth will accelerate anyway because the roots are formed, or veg has begun, but I've tried 24 all the way through and, in my experience, there's a big difference.