Light schedule


Active Member
Hey there,
Wondering what you guys thought of this. I've been flowering for 3 weeks at 12 on/12 off. My time starts at 2pm and goes to 2am. I was wondering what if I start rotating my schedule. Allow me to explain.

Ok, so 2pm to 2 am Monday, then 3pm to 3am tuesday, then 4pm to 4am wednesday and so on. As you can see I'm still getting 12 hours of light but now I get an extra hour of dark.

Do you think this would help? Hurt? No change at all?

Very Curious


Smoky McPot
Probably hurt because of stress. You shouldnt play with a plants light schedule that much. Why would you want to do that anyway, you are basically giving the plants 12 on and 13 off. Ive heard of 11/13 but i dunno. Plus you would have to switch your timer everyday. Thats a pain


Active Member
I've only done that for two days just for personal reasons. Then I was thinking about what I was doing and thought that it might be good.

Thanks for the advice I'll leave it as is.

Although I am open to anybody else's two cents.