Light stress help


Look at set up for idea... 400w HPS, day 19 for the babies. So the last 2 maybe 3 days I have been noticing my plants not growing as fast and they seemed to be stressed out. And I couldn't figure it out. At first I thought the plants were over watered and thats why they looked a little droopy, but I couldn't reason with myself that I over watered them just because the way I was watering them. neways i found out that my light proof box hasnt been light proof. I have a power strip in the box with all the components(i dont usually have it that way but this time i did, i usually mount it on the outside of the box and only have plants, light , and tray in box itself) and it stays light up. Which means that the plants don't see total darkness. I have mylar as you can tell so it was just making it into a red glow box. So i covered up the lights and it seems like one of them made a bounce back. Now this has been going on for 2-3 days, i want to say 4 max, anyone have any input on what has happened. i am just hoping now that my hope to be females are not going to be males and if so then i need to start some new babies. If anyone has any input on light leaking with plants in the veg state please let me know. again these guys are only 19 days old. thanks


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I think your light is too close for those babies. Move it to like 24".

Panda PVC and Velcro, did you have to do the screw in adapters in the corners?

Only thing I would have done different is have all the controls on the outside, but yours is nicely organized unlike my rats nest. I hate cable management.


It may be heat stress,not light stress,check the temperatures.And you shouldn't worry about light leaks now,plants don't need darkness(or complete darkness) in vegetative stage.


thanks i will move the light up, the light could be stressing the plant. It seems to be more with one of the strands than the others.
i thought irregular lighting, veg or flower, is stress the plant should not go through. like you can go 24/0 or you go 18/6; not go from 24/0 to 18/6 to 24/0 and so forth. any one else have an opinion? i really like to know


i just used pipe fittings and screwed them in together(50 bucks for all the fittings). easy put together, easy take down.


my temp has been great too .... day time high usually 82. it varies from 80-85 but thats it(humidity is at 50%). I have great ventilation and air movement. so i dont think its heat stress