Light stress with pictures

Its California Light Works ss550 on light movers. Basically anything under 18" can show stress. Don't have an apogee and wanted to see how much the plants could take before damage. Just for self knowledge. Since the damage is done, thought it would be good to show since there is a lot of questions about light burn.
That map pretty much says it all. Thanks for posting. Seems as if to get good use out of these lights they need to be on movers or in an array of several.

Really like the ability to change the spectrum. Wish the light was more evenly distributed.
Looking at the correct height according to the Par Map.
36" for robust mid/late vegging and ~ 22" for flowering looks good.
I use different leds but the principle is the same. I have 800 - 900 max at the top of the canopy in flower
Looking at the correct height according to the Par Map.
36" for robust mid/late vegging and ~ 22" for flowering looks good.
I use different leds but the principle is the same. I have 800 - 900 max at the top of the canopy in flower

Those elevations are about what I figured out during use. Actually was using about 32" during veg with a 15 hr day veg, with 21" 11hr day flower.
2 lights in a 4×4. The canopy was not level. Just let them grow wild. Was mostly doing as a trial just to see what would happen. As it turns out, one plant liked the extra light and grew so fast and tall that it was within 6" of the light above it when raised as high as possible. Ended up moving 3 plants to a 5×5 with 3 550s on movers just to concentrate on the crazy mutant that loved the light.

The 3 that moved to the 5×5 became extremely stressed after the move. My fault as continued hammering them with lights at full strength and too close. Really wanted to see what happens. Now I know.

The big one shows no leaf damage just some bleaching. She did foxtail some though. At most vigorous growth during the stretch she literally grew 2" up every 24 hrs.
Next experiment is to see if this girl can be revegged after chop. Then attempt to clone her.

The bleached areas gained color back but it was pink instead of green. Color pink started when during the ripening changed to 10/14, decreased the red spectrum, increased the blue, and cut over all power by 20%.