heres a ?? for anyone with the knowledge. I have a 5ft wide by 2ft deep closet. Will a 4ft 2 bulb t5 and 2 ten inch reflector dishes with 2, 35watt cfls in each be enough light. the t5 rated at 10,000lumens and the cfls at 4,800 per set up which is 2, 35 watt cfls be enough light. the t5 across the top and a 2 bulb cfl set up on each end work. of course that is using the proper light spectrum. or should i go with the 250 watt MH/HPS with digital ballist. I know the MH/HPS light set is better but is it safe in my closet. that set up for the floros is about 250watts. will it work or not is the real ???. my cloest is already all white. but its kinda cold in the winter inthere about 63-65 degrees. i just dont want to burn down my home with my kitty here. thank you for any help.