Lightbulb burnt weed plant!!


New Member
now im wondering whether to trim the dead leaf off or not cause it seems to be bending the stem mainly upper area. and the bottom of the plant wants to go the other way.


Well-Known Member
Did you just burn a leaf or did you burn the top growing tip? If you damaged the growing tip too badly it isn't going to grow from the top anymore, but it might start coming out from the other leaf nodes.

The plant also isn't going to like being moved around all the time and switching between different lights all the time (sun, CFL) and is going to grow slower because of it.

If it survives, and it probably will, try to keep it outside in one spot all the time once the weather permits. Also remember that you'll have to start giving it nutrients after a couple weeks. If you give it the right nutes and keep it outside in full sun it will get pretty big. I don't know if that is what you want or not (since you're trying to keep it hidden), but it will happen.

Even if you don't put it outside it will still get at least a couple feet tall, so if someone is going to destroy it I hope you know you're in for 4-5 months of trying to hide a very conspicuous and smelly plant. ;)


Well-Known Member
night time temps of 45 wouldn't hurt it as much as you moving it in and out everyday and stressing the shit out of it. As long as its not gonna frost outside I say leave her out imo. and i'd say its "stretching" more than growing under the one 23W cfl ur using


New Member
i burnt the third set of leaves 50% and the 4th set was just starting and it was 50% as well. idk what to trim or what not to trim. is it possible to top it above the first set of 3 leaves. cause starting the second set it was growing 5.


New Member
and im not sure about that. it can get in 30s and has a couple times but i know that older plants go into shock at 55 or lower and so far the one outside in the ground which is about 5 days sprouted is doing fairly good for the weather it took on and the other one i put in this random huge pot with dead sticks and probably decent soil and its growin great about 6-7 days but kinda slow with the growing


Well-Known Member
If you aren't sure what to cut off then I would let it grow for a little while longer so you can see where the new growth tips are going to be. If the top one was burnt too badly the plant should start making some new growth tips where the leaves come off of the stem (the nodes).

It's pretty hard to kill it, I would just give it time and it should come back.

Also is that another small plant I see in the same pot with that one? You should only have one plant in a pot that size. You should get that other one out of there and into its own pot before it gets any bigger.


im kinda doin the same thing im growing my plant outside then when we get a real bad storm i bring it into my garage but i was wondening what kind of light bulb should i get for it? i have a regular light bulb right now but i want to get something better but i dont want to spend alot of money cuz its just one plant so does anyone have any suggestions on wut kind of light bulb i should get ?


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about the burnt leaves just ignore them they will eventually fall off on their own... Leave the poor plant outside just bring it in if it is going to freeze or your expecting a bad storm.


Active Member
im kinda doin the same thing im growing my plant outside then when we get a real bad storm i bring it into my garage but i was wondening what kind of light bulb should i get for it? i have a regular light bulb right now but i want to get something better but i dont want to spend alot of money cuz its just one plant so does anyone have any suggestions on wut kind of light bulb i should get ?
Dude sounds like you need to READ a LOT! Growing cannabis is a pretty large task, it's not just throwing some seeds into a pot and 2 months later you have a bag to smoke.
Some of these kids are so funny, they will ask 1000 questions but when you try to answer them they say "No my way has been working fine."

Kids, listen to the POT FARMERS here please not what your friend told you in 9th grade.

But to answer your question, Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) are gonna be your best bet, they are the very cheapest, easiest option.

Putting a "regular light" (which i assume means an incandescent bulb) on a plant will do NOTHING but stretch it or burn it.

In fact if your plant is growing rapidly under low light that means it's stretching, or growing vertically really fast, too fast for it's stems to thicken up enough in time...


Active Member
Rougar, my advice to you is to just leave your baby outside, moving her around every day between different light sources is probably freaking her out!
Think about it man, plants really aren't supposed to move from the spot they were planted...unless plants have legs now...