Lighting? Buy from local store or better deal on-line?


Active Member
:? So will i find a better deal on line for lighting of some kind or should i search around here for a place that will sell that . When i mean around here it's vegas baby. :leaf:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Depends what your looking for.ebay is a good place to buy lights.If you need used 1000 watt ballast I have some Id like to get rid off so I can get more smaller setups.


Well-Known Member
Or if you are paranoid you can walk into a store and pay cash. Thereby leaving no paper trail.


Well-Known Member
Check your local Lowes/Home Depot or equivalent store, I was just in there the other day and picked up a 150w HPS and a 70w HPS with reflectors and internal ballasts for 20 bucks a pop, online is definitely going to be cheaper in 98% of cases though