Lighting for 2 plants?


I'm trying to figure out the lighting set-up I will need for two plants, maybe even three. I have searched around online quite a bit and mainly found people arguing about HPS and CFL, with the occasional guy trying to counter the HPS, and CFL guys with an LED setup. But I figured it would be better to list what is it is I have to work with so an expert could break it down. (Please and thank you)

I pretty much have a closet roughly 4 feet wide and a little over 2 and a half feet deep. Plants could probably only get around 4-5 feet though.
I need effectiveness yet cheapness in regards to the electricity bill. I can't run it up too much. Also my closet has some light leaking issues. It's still dark inside but light can definitely creep in.
How much am I looking at for the cost of the lighting situation?


Active Member
i think you need to not try and grow in an apartment. if your in a house i'm sure you can find a better spot elsewhere even if you have to construct it.


Active Member
if your in a house i'm sure you can find a better spot elsewhere even if you have to construct it.
please refer to section 2 of my post

marijuana is like a child. you can't shove it into a tiny closet and expect it to grow up properly.
a 400HPS with a hourtlix bulb will take care of your problems, won,t be bad on your electric bill either, It will blow the cfl and led out of the water!!!


Active Member
a 150w hps would do the trick in that area...and it wouldnt up the light bill more then a few bucks. you gotta seal the light leek issues..not only to leaks giv away ur grow but the issue of hermis in flowering and so on. maybe look into a small grow tent


Well-Known Member
You need to fix the light leaks. For 2 plants you'd want like 6 42W cfls, or a 250W hps. The CFLs are cheaper up front but the HID (especially a switchable MH/HPS) will get you better yields for pretty much identical electric use.


forgot cfls i ave the same space as you i use a 250watts bout 40 quid and a extractor fan cost me 60 quid i grow two plants at a time,pull 2.5 of each every 8 weeks.