I kinda have the same question.. Except I do mothers/babies only. So keeping my mothers pumping cuts Is important. I did a 300 watt SunSystem Ceramic plasma light On a 8 foot light runner, tracking 8 feet 18 hours a day. I had 15 plants in a 10x7x6 GrowLab tent. The plants got HUGE and were putting 50/80 cuttings per plant every 15 days or less. GSC and BD. I ran two 128 site EZ cloners 24/7 7 days a week also. I got bad gnats from some bad soil and ended up over kill on my moms. To say the least, I have 3 left out of 8 main moms. Now I'm starting over and wondering if maybe a 300 watt plasma is also overkill for mothers. It seems that when I put a 8 bulb t-5 in the tent the plants look happier. They grow up towards the light with leavs first. It almost appears that the plants are always trying to flower under the plasma. Wondering if they prefer that bright white light over the veg/flower spectrum of the plasma. I should mention I'm pretty sure I pay LESS for the plasma, and more for the t-8. I'm going to do more experiments on this, but anyone else use plasma lights?