lighting help/flowering help

I have 4 tube florescent (2 warm red 2 cool blue).They seemed to like it.the leaves were always raised at the lights. well i took out one cool blue and put my last warm red in.the temp raised 5 or so degrees but nothing major, but i noticed that they aren't as...perky now, should i switch it back or leave it?.they still look good and are green as hell.They are four auto berry, one is a week ahead of the others and she has hairs,now little leaves, is she flowering? The leaves have not grow any in a day or two but the popped up just as the younger plants were starting to get hairs too.any help would be appreciated thanx



Well-Known Member
you should vege with pure 6500 K (Daylight) I hope that's what you have and your just mis-naming them cool white (technically Cool white = 4200 K)


Active Member
I would put the cool blue back just until you start flowering....then put the remainder 'warm red tube in'. That better presents the light spectrum outside for the seasons. More blue light during high summer and more red tone in the spectrum towards late summer.