Lighting problemon-Help?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I have my plants on a 12/12 scheduled timer (6PM-6am). Last night something happened and the lights didn't go off. At 2AM I realized and turned them off until 7 AM, This gives only 51/2 of darkness (what to do) How should I make the other 6/1/2 hours we missed darkness be made up? How will it affect the pants? How should I make it up?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I have e a heavy duty timer and it has never failed. I have a believe it was human intrusion that may have clicked it off. Do I need to make up the 6/ 1/2 hours or just return back to my same schedule of 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Just get em back on schedule, don't worry about the lost time, try not to let it happen again

you'll be fine

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Thanks all- I was having a heart attack as I am approxinalety two weeks from harvest and wanted to make sure this would not cause major problems. So just go back to the 6pm-6AM
schedule and forget making up time? Thanks again in advance for your info!


Well-Known Member
yeah they should be fine.
light stress usually occurs over time, not from one occurance.
trying to make up the time would probably just turn an accident into a problem, if you know what i mean ;)