Lighting question (Extra lighting from below).


Active Member
thanks for the explaination! like those plants, nice and bushy, are they indicas?? ive done 2 indica & 2 sativa which was a begineers error as the sativas are much taller and getting more light as a result. Ive got my indicas raised up over a foot and they still are not quite as tall.
have you got any advice for the drying/curing besides the advice youve already given? last time (first time) i dried for a week by hanging stems from string in a cool room (not cold) with a fan moving the air slightly. then I trimmed the buds right down, removed stems and stuck in large glass bell jars. i opened these every day for about half an hour then closed. my weed was nice and dry but didnt smell or taste particularily nice, not as nice as they should have anyway! the weed blew my head off but i didnt get the full amsterdam experience (call it that cause Ive been 15 times and love how the weed has been properly cured there).

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the whole harvest in section thing is kind of bunk, if you look at the plant usually what you will see is that the bottom buds...while under-developed are actually the first ones ripe i tried this on my last grow because the plants were so bushy i thought it would work but the results were sorry, just a bunch of over mature little scraggle buds, you would be better off raising the short plants up closer to the light to even up the canopy and maybe adding your light up there, generally speaking you want to focus the energy of the plant to the tops because thats where your fat growth will be concentrated so i fyou start adding lights at the bottom then it comes at expense of the tops, just something to think about ya know