Lighting Question - Flourescent and HPS


Active Member
right now, my grow box is for one plant. it has 2 24" flourescents set up vertically and a 150w CFL overhead. i was wondering, for flowering, can i leave the vertical flourescents and replace the CFL for a HPS? can the 2 types of light live in harmony? or should i just resort to the HPS only? thanks guys!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes as long as you don'tend up haveing a heat problem,but the hps willgive you a much better yield


Active Member
so are you saying that i should use an HPS for the entire grow?? or the HPS will give me a higher yield if used in the flowering stage only??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes i would just get a 150wtt mh bulb to run during veg then when yougo into flower just change the bulbback to the hps.