lighting question


hope u can help im looking for a lighting system thats will grow2-4or 6 plants such as
bubblegum,blackjack,Blue Mystic, and white rhino fruity kinds mostly inside grow,cheap,low heat
im looking at
looks like the light is 15 inches by 12 inches would this be enought? could anyone point me to a cheap lighting system please

Illegal Smile

How serious are you about low heat? If you are then cfls are the low heat option. You can put your own system together with clamp reflectors bought locally. I find 42 watt (actual) cfls the best dollar value.


well heat isnt too big. my limit is around $200-220. my house tho ill need to open a door to let the stale air out .so it will be closed off most of the day. and i don't want the room to get too hot. i figure ill open it at night to not disturb the light cycle. ill have a fan running in it and ill add a box fan at night to push out the stale air. my windows wont open till i replace them. the room is at least 6 foot squared if not more