Lighting question


Hi growing some autoflowers initially had light 18 6 have now changed to 20 4 however due to cold temperature even in the day at the moment was thinking of going 23 1 the 1 hour just as I don't belive my power ballast and bulb would like being on 24 7. Would the changes in light stress the plant? I also the leaves on one have curled a bit I think possible over watering any opinions?



Well-Known Member
Put them on 24/0 if your temps are too cold. No harm will be done to the plants at all. What type of lamp/ballast do you have if you're that concerned about it?

...and yes, it is very common for new growers to overwater. Let the pot dry out completely before you water again. Should be between 2-4 days. You'll feel it in the weight of the pots.

EDIT: What I really should have done before coming to any conclusion is ask what your temps actually are ;)

Let us know.



Using a 600w dual spectrum hps is just is 62 cm away the ballast is just came with the setup not sure what make sure it would be fine just read somewhere that bulbs aren't sposed be on 24 7 with no cool down time. Myt be bollocks. My temps are about 28c or 80f with light on but drop to bout 18 17 quit quick with it off


Well-Known Member
You don't have any worries here bud... 18 degrees is acceptable. A tad bit on the low side, but they should be fine :)

So will leaving your lights on 24/0... but with a 600w, those extra 6 hours on will cost you.

Right as is, I wouldn't recommend changing anything unless you start seeing actual problems with your plants. Again, 18 celcius is fine. I've planted outdoors many years, and my plants survived many-a-night with far colder temps than that :)

To further, my tent is 20c (70f) in lights-off, so I'm not that far from you.



Ye costing me about 3 pounds a day at the moment haha I think next grow will look into leds and cfls for first few weeks