Lighting Question


Active Member
hi umm does anyone know how well black lights work? during both veg and flowering..
also how effective would a 3 foot black light combo'd with a 3 foot fluro be? :confused:
just worried about electricity usage.. tight wallet at the mo :(
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Well-Known Member
One study did show that UV helps in the conversion of CBD (another cannabinoid) to THC using light with a wavelength of 235-285nm. Raphael Mechoulan was the scientist and the source of this information is in "Marijuana Botany" pg 132-133. I believe that this is the origin to the claim that UV can be benefitial to the plants, however, this study was done on a solution of CBD and not a live plant.

I'm not aware of any study of UV light on live pot plants so any answer that you get should be treated as speculation.