Hey MonkeyChief,
You have really been cranking out some great info. Thanks for all you are sharing.
Like I always say.. Sharing's half the reward of learning.
I can't find the original post, So I will quote you from an e-mail I received...
(4) GEHL X-Grow series 126 x 3w. Each panel will give u 126x3w (six cluster) *1715 umol @ 30cm *, and 885umol @ 60cm, 447umol @ 90cm
This is phenomenal vs. the A51 XGS-190 at 1349 umol@30cm, 675 umol@60cm, and 301unol@90cm, respectively. They are able to pull these numbers using secondary lens. These are identical to a very well known brand-name for little more than 1/3 price. These should pull approx. 270w and I feel this system is the best system given the incredible par readings up to 437umoles at 3" will make it an ideal set-up for all the indoor tree guys to smile about. Please note that if u run the recommended 4 panels, you can afford to use a very aggressive 60degree lens to even focus more light into a smaller footprint that will further increase these incredible readings. This system will give u a total of 1100W+ actual led wattage will easily trump by 2x any of the claimed most powerful unit in the market like the BS Ion, Stealth 1250, BD's biggest mutt, and Lush's new big boy. The crazier thing is it does all this for bout half the price of the above mentioned names. Let me confirm the price with them but they should only be round $250-300/pc.. These guys are one of the major OEM guys making some of and one the best performing and expensive major brand-name. These guys have excellent before and after sales and are very honest in their specs.
I look these up but could not find its core footprint. Do you know what it is?
Not listed but I eyeball a solid 2x2, up to 2.5x2.5 if u spread the canopy out better via training, scrog, sog, etc.. I tend to be a little more aggressive since I use the HPS as a benchmark. For most applications u can probably get by with 25% less than my recommendation.
How many of theseDo you think we need for a 4' x 4' or 5' x 5' space.
21x3w (one cluster )
1216 umol @ 30cm ,
and 415umol @ 60cm 216umol @ 90cm (sorry we only test at 30cm , 60cm and 90cm, no 45 cm )
42x3w(two clustetr)
1405 umol @ 30cm ,
and 460umol @ 60cm ,
235umol @ 90cm
84x3w(four clustetr)
1439 umol @ 30cm ,
and 647umol @ 60cm ,
357umol @ 90cm (estimated 185w pull. if yr girls are less that 24" done) Compromised jr. version. Beats Apache and A51 cause it enjoys 12 chip(17%) advantage over the previous two.
126x3w(six clustetr)
1715 umol @ 30cm ,
and 885umol @ 60cm, 447umol @ 90cm (this will give u approx. 277W
[email protected] running my recommended white spec.) Recommended.
189x3w(nine clustetr)
1827 umol @ 30cm ,
and 1055umol @ 60cm ,
587umol @ 90cm (587umol@36") this will honestly handle up to 3.5-4ft. girls.
252x3w(twelve clustetr)
2817 umol @ 30cm ,
and 1742umol @ 60cm ,
935umol @ 90cm (better for a 5x5 up to 6x6 growing indoor trees over 4ft+ at an incredible 935umoles at 36". Correct me if I'm wrong but this should make this the most powerful system running 4 as a system.)
On average they should run about half of the most powerful single or multi-panels systems currently on the market. If you're interested let me know cause I can tell u on the spec. combo's u can run to offer u even more flexibility. I think most of u who has personal experience with me know my pricing's much different with most factories because of my past relations and private company status with them.
Actually, I really want to cover a space of about 8' x 10'. How many of these do you think it would take to do the job?
8. If u don't feel u need this much then u can opt. for the 84x3w units, which would still beat the Apache and A51 numbers. Also if u want Crees or Osrams, no prob. at $1 more per 3w chip. End of the Cree/Osram issues. If you're interested u can contact Sunny direct as she's familiar with my specs. because I'm currently testing her panels.I don't want to sound like I'm endorsing them but they currently have one of the most complete line of canna-specific panels. I'm currently running them and find them on par with my other factory panels from LG, BYSEN, CT, and E-shine as well as their brand-name counterparts. At the end of the day most of these panels and makes are very compatible with each other given reputable names are used. It's just a matter of options, features, pricing, and service that sets them apart. Unfortunately most of the time it takes learning the hard way a few times to be able to separate the facts and fiction of this business. Again, any of the reputable factories or brand-name panels' fine as long as the spec. and wattage requirement's met.