Lighting Schedule Question


Well-Known Member
My plants have been vegging under my 430 watt hps for about a month now. I have had them on a 18/6 lighting schedule. I have some company coming over tomorrow for thanksgiving, and want my light to be off during that time so I can close my closet door.

Right now it is currently on until 12 midnight and then comes back on around 6. Company is coming over around 5-7 at night which is towards the end of my lighting on schedule. So my question is, should I just leave my light on all night tonight and then when they come around 5 tomorrow turn it off or what? If so, how long? I want to keep on my same lighting schedule afterwards because I have lights on in the room during the day.

Any help about when to turn it off/back on to get proper light schedule and keep my babies happy would be greatly appreciated. Don't want any hermies on my fem. seeds :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Honestly dont worry about having the light off for a few hours, as long as you dont do it very often its not a problem. I've done it several times when people come over and I've never had any problems. How does that work using hps for vegging?


Well-Known Member
So I should just turn it off for about four hours until 10 and then turn it on from 10 to 12 then off and then back on at 6? If they stay longer I couldn't leave it off from 5 until 6 the next morning could I? Thanks for the advice.. I don't feel like flowering my plants or turning them hermi.

I have a hps hortilux bulb so it does great for vegging with the enhanced blue spectrum. My plants are growing really well.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it like I said I have turned mine off for about 5 hours during their 12/12 and have had no problems. Ask around a little more but I’m sure it won't hurt anything. As far as it producing hermi's, I wouldn't worry about that unless you did this on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have an opinion???? My light is about to go off soon, and I would like everyone's input. Thanks. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think it would be better to leave it on for 12-15 hours and then turn it off for the next 12-15 hours or leave it on for 12 turn it off while company is here then turn it back on till 12 (when it regularly goes off).

Basically the question is, if you turn on the lights for a few hours during the light schedule, is it better to leave it off until its supposed to come back on again the next time or is it better to turn it back on and finish the lighting schedule it was in?

I am probably over reacting right now but I don't want something this stupid to f my plants...

By the way, thanks a lot glockstar for your input.

EDIT: I just thought of something. I have one CFL that puts out about 2600 lumens. I think I will just center that on my plants and it will be like its a "cloudy day" for the few hours. It's red spectrum, but oh well, it should work. If I am doing something terribly wrong please let me know. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Turn it off when they come and turn it back on when they go and let it turn off when it normally does. I had to do it this week because of the furnace repair guy and it's not a problem. Yeah if you can keep one bulb on that’s fine but either way it won’t hurt them if it’s not a regular thing.