Lighting set up


Well-Known Member
Any ideas? I'm growing in a standard chest of draws probably 4x4x2.5 thats a rough guess. Its a standard size all the same. At present I have all my bulbs running across the back (I have 6x20watt bulbs) but I'm getting a 125 watt in the post soon. What would you suggest as a good set up.



Well-Known Member
You could have 2 sections, one for flowering and other for clone/mothers if you want too. If you halved your dresser then you would probably want to get a 250w HPS for flowering and just keep your cfls in the other side. Make sure that you have your plants as close as you can to those 20w bulbs too, can almost have them touching. 4 feet isn't much for room for most strains so you'll probably want to train them as well, maybe do ScrOG or SOG.