Lighting Uncertainties


Active Member
Huge update!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Been a long time, I know. Had to nurse the ladies back to health after over-watering, getting root bound twice, and suffering from chlorosis. I know, a little too big, but my new high output 4 bulb T5 floros, 2 vertical 2 bulb T12 4 footers, and 2 horizontal 2 bulb T12 2 footers are doing a good job. You can also see my air purifier/exhaust system, and humidifier. Plus a computer-fan cooling the timers (gotta be safe), and a timer for the air moving/mixing. All appear Sativa, the middle appears different from the others, but only slightly.
The Right sustained the most damage. The Left Has magnificent hairs/flowers. The middle is just a Beautiful Beast, at about 4 feet gorgeous. All are Flowering, especially with the BudBlood in them (a little pricey, but worth it). You will also see my water aerating system. The Blue things are "Air Stones," that produce 'micro' bubbles. I picked them up from Pet-Co, aquatic section, along with a Ph test/adjuster kit that was only $10. I also bought a pressurized sprayer, with two tips and atomizing action from a great local grow shop. Then I got a digi-thermometer that records the high and low of the temp. and humidity from wally-world for like $7.
As well as BudBlood I have used a Neem Oil/Potassium Silicate Mix for Bug and high Temperature protection (Potassium Silicate is a required emulsifier for the oil, some people use 'dish soap', but I think they're Crazy).
For Co2 I burn charcoals commonly used for smoking Shisha from a Hookah. Can find them at most HeadShops/TobaccoShops.

**A Lot of Pics in Following Posts**
<<<< My 3.2 Mega Pixel Shooter Sucks!!! >>>>



Well-Known Member
really nice setup, but your plants are stretching alot! looks like you put a decent amount of money in that grow room. I would spend the 130 and get a 400 or 600W HPS, definetly worth it, especialy since it looks like you put alot of work into this, hate to see you end up with skimpy buds just because of lighting


Active Member
They did get off to a rough start...
Then I started lighting them with a cheap, wal-mart bought, 850 Lumen Compact Fluorescent (when I say cheap, I mean that the total cost for the light-bulb and a Snickers was $5.16).
... I imagine adapting future generations to this setup won't be hard.

The T5 set me back $125 bones (application specific bulbs included)
All the other ballast's where slightly under $10, but each grow bulb cost $10
Ionizing/Carbon Purifier $20
Humidifier $28, Filters $10
Atomizing Sprayer $12 :cool:
Water Aerating $25
More than I want to list...

Almost Forgot to Add this... 30 Quart bag of 'Happy Frog' Soil, with earthworm castings, bat guano, beneficial fungi*/bacteria*/enzymes* (*can't remember exactly which*), and misc. $18

I think the $350+- was a worth-while investment...
Especially considering the $600+ a month I smoke.

I have definitely taken up horticulture with passion, and it has grown on me as both a Hobby and a Love.


Well-Known Member
man I know what youre saying. I was agreeing saying it looks like you spent a good amount of money on it.
I'd put aside 10-25 bucks a week, and before you know it yau can get a HPS from HTG, that with the lights you already have would be kick ass... and it wouldnt put too big of a dent in your pocket.


Active Member
Words of Wisdom...
I'll probably make that investment when I have secure space.
Being in a TownHouse isn't very chill, although, having a neighbor who supplies dank makes it a little easier! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Words of Wisdom...
I'll probably make that investment when I have secure space.
Being in a TownHouse isn't very chill, although, having a neighbor who supplies dank makes it a little easier! ;-)

man... I know I should know all these suburb words... but honstly I have almost no idea what a townhouse is... I thouth they were just houses... in the town??? man... and last week I found out that word... for... a neighborhood thas in a semicircle... why do they have all these words!?!?!


Active Member
Just ridiculous shit. I don't know why all these suburb words exist.
A Town house is like a 'Condo,' only it's cheaper and only has two stories with no balcony(mine anyways). It sucks though, townhouses, just like Condos, are only so wide and connected to a bunch in a row. They're like apartments that are only built side by side, no one above, no one below... Sharing the same thin wall as separation.

I'd be pretty happy to live in a house in a culdesac...


Well-Known Member
haha thats the other word!!! crazy words!
we have those. I dont know if people call them townhouses... but... I dont pay much attention to people? I guess? maybe?
do you have a yard?
That sucks... I never thought of it but people who live in houses like that dont have any window on the side of there house... wow... I learned alot in the last 20 minutes :P


Active Member
I have a little 10' x 10' fenced-in back yard connecting to the back door for dogs, and the whole 'complex' has a front yard everyone shares.


Active Member
Why are they so tall and skinny?
Probably 'cause I had weak lights for several weeks before I could upgrade, so they started reaching-out for light and got 'Leggy'.
I also had to pull them back from the cold, yellow grip of chlorosis. So they were in vegetation for nearly 11 Weeks!
It is easy to over-water, be careful!