Lighting Worries


'Ello everyone. I'm growing 6 plants under 2 150w HPS lamps ( I really feel that this is not enough light. The stems started becoming rather long because I had the lights much higher than they are now so I moved them down. I plan on LSTing by tying them down so I'm expecting (hoping rather) that I'll have a lot more plant then I would just letting them grow straight up. This is another reason why the lights are concerning me. How long before the plants start needing more light? Also, what wattage do you recommend for the space I have (~3x4ft) and method I will be employing? I also would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism as to my setup. This is my first grow so it's still a learning process. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
300w in 2 x 3 feet is okay. Can you move the light any closer? How old are you ladies?
I've never vegged with Hps, but I know a plant's more prone to stretching...


Including germination they're about 2 1/2 weeks right now. The stretching I really don't mind. In the end I think it will be cleaner if I can get the stem to the edge of the pot to start LST so I'm actually hoping they might stretch a little more.


Haha. I do love the grow process as well. It's the most rewarding hobby I can think of at the moment =] Thanks


That's enough light to get you through seed to harvest I can imagine that foil becoming a problem from heat running those two Hps fixtures.


I've been maintaining the temp at 85-90. I do it manually because I'm not sophisticated enough to have a exhaust system. There's a fan above the lights providing a light breeze.


Well-Known Member
You ought to get some air exchange in there.
My veg closet is similar to yours, and I noticed an almost immediate heightened vigour as soon as I left the door open a little, and put a homebrew Co2 generator in with them...


You ought to get some air exchange in there.
My veg closet is similar to yours, and I noticed an almost immediate heightened vigour as soon as I left the door open a little, and put a homebrew Co2 generator in with them...
I leave the door open at times, as well. The air flow was something I hadn't really considered. Thanks a lot for that tip


66F-75F is ideal, warmer temperatures allow more oxygen to be supplied to roots but promotes bacterial growth and can rott roots well a low temp isn't as bad but can shock roots and slow growth.


66F-75F is ideal, warmer temperatures allow more oxygen to be supplied to roots but promotes bacterial growth and can rott roots well a low temp isn't as bad but can shock roots and slow growth.
Alrighty. I think it's usually around those temperatures but I will monitor it more closely from here on out. Thanks. :D


New Member
thanks guys.. its the widow mother.. going to buy a new socket and cord for my 1000w hps tomorrow... I have no idea how I lost it.. $38 for a new one. I have to tie her down until I get the light hooked up. Then I will veg her for like 2 months under the 1000w MH lmao woooo.. Im trying to make it look like one big lolli pop of weed haha. im transplanting to a new garbage can soon.


Well-Known Member
'Ello everyone. I'm growing 6 plants under 2 150w HPS lamps ( I really feel that this is not enough light. The stems started becoming rather long because I had the lights much higher than they are now so I moved them down. I plan on LSTing by tying them down so I'm expecting (hoping rather) that I'll have a lot more plant then I would just letting them grow straight up. This is another reason why the lights are concerning me. How long before the plants start needing more light? Also, what wattage do you recommend for the space I have (~3x4ft) and method I will be employing? I also would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism as to my setup. This is my first grow so it's still a learning process. Thanks.

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no less than 2500 lumens per square foot.