Lighting ....


Well-Known Member
I have 2 HPS light going in my flower room, the plants have been in flower for 10 days I want to add more light, I have a 400 watt MH Is that ok to add at this point ?

Or should I get a HPS bulb ? also does it hurt to add light after flowering has begone.


Well-Known Member
go ahead and add more light should not hurt the plants as long as your keep your environment stable. you can use the 400MH bulb if you like wont hurt. if you look at the different bulbs available..... they have dual ark bulbs that have an HPs and MH filament


Well-Known Member
You can never have enough light, heat yes, light no. All I've heard, read, and experienced shows that it's not a bad idea to have some different spectrums running, so I'd say sure, add it. People more experienced with MH and HPS will probably reply also, I just use CFL's.