Lighting ?

Ok , just ordered my seeds and now its time to order my lights . I know the "Ideal" lights are Metal halid for veg. and HPS for flowering , but i have seen alot of posts with many ppl useing nothing but HPS for veg and flowering . is there really that big of a difference in using metal halid for veg . vrs using HPS for both ?
BTW i have found a nice 400w kits that has both lights and a dig. ballist for $185 . i think this is the best i can get for a 3' x 3' tent ? and info is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Lots of variables dude. I used an Mh to flower a ICE before. Turned out really good. I'm gonna USE only MH on my upcomming grow to help out on my heat issues.


Well-Known Member
get the hps and use a high output blue/violet spectrum enhanced hps bulb. i use it for all stages of growth as they outperform any other hid option ive used in both veg and flower, be it mh, hps, or cmh. on another topic, this doesnt really belong in toke and talk imo. should be in one of the boards for growing, not this section. Just saying. no offense or nothing.


Well-Known Member
400 would probably be the best fit there.

could maybe get a 600 in there, but would need a bigger fan


Well-Known Member
the upgrade to one of the bulbs i was talking about can be chosen for + $4, well worth it imo. id get the euro reflector option too, its an air cooled hood which youll need to get a fan for but it immediatley sucks all the hot air out and is well worth it.
if you insist on a digital system this one is good, comes with the cooltube aircoolled hood which helps a ton w/heat. youll need to get a fan for the cooltube too.
it might seem a bit expensive but consider that if you can only grow an oz of bud your first grow(which is a very very low goal to reach) you'll still have come out ahead quite a bit as you'll be growing high quality stuff that would be $50-$75 an 1/8 around here and most places. so on your 200ish investment you double it and then still have the setup for a long time to come, the aircooled hoods might seem a little pricey especially when you consider you need to buy a fan for it but it is well worth it, especially come summer time.
awsome info Dark , i didnt see that when i whent to the site befor . the links helped out alot , im glad i didnt buy the other one lastnight , i already have the fan / filter that will work on those (6 inch ) , oh sory about where i posted this , ill try to post on the right boards .
Thanks again , im glad i was smart enough to have signed up on the forum . im sure it will help more and more .