

Well-Known Member
yes even better then one alone, just make sure you don't run the MH more then the 12 hrs Im guessing you run your HPS? plants need total dark doing night time in flowering

Kite High

Well-Known Member
yes even better then one alone, just make sure you don't run the MH more then the 12 hrs Im guessing you run your HPS? plants need total dark doing night time in flowering
he's growing autoflowers...he can run the lights however he likes and no worry of dark period interuptions


Well-Known Member
Im confused then, why don't you just run both light all the time over all your plants ? would benefit from the better spectrum, and more light, MH will help the plant in early flowering and in the end specially


Active Member
what do u think week 4 and a half weeks used no feed just canna terra soil got about 4 or 5 weeks in flower it says joint dr seeds any suggetions whd be appreciated


Well-Known Member
if you can keep the temps down I would for sure run both, I would also invest the 20$ in some maylor for the wall`s now you have invested in the lights and use all the power its stupid not to get a extra 10-20% light out of it but maylor also trap heat as well as it reflect light so you better run a big ventilation in there, maybe consider some cool tube/hoods as well, but then agin, it all cost try and see if you can keep the temps under 80F with both running


Well-Known Member
run em both i have 2 600s one mh one hps in my autoflower set up. broad spectrum lighting works wonderfully on autos.


Active Member
thanks i got a tye cross skunk free seeds can i leave it in the room till signs of sex show will it still veg on 20 light 4 dark it has so far getting very big