lights are off!

salad cigar

Active Member
hi,my light blew its bulb,but found that my light will only run on mh bulb.its a the moment my 2 plants have been in darkness (night)for 2 days now while i have been trying to sort out a light.what is the best way for me to do this and how long can i keep them in the dark.i still have my fan on in my room but the humidty has gone up a bit.any advice would be great cause getting a bit streesed out now (like my ladies)

salad cigar

Active Member
forgot to say that i am in week 6 of flower.i know that i should of used a hps for flower,but i thought that i was running a hps not a was only when i went to the shop to get a new bulb that the bloke there told me it was mh.

salad cigar

Active Member
update....i have just got back from grow shop with a new 250 w mh bulb,fitted all working question is what differance will i have by using a mh to flower instead of hps?


Well-Known Member
the spectrum is a bit different, it will work especially this late in flowering...anything would work if you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
lol, I know what u mean.. Tobad u had to get a MH, your hps is ideal, but im not going to tell u that, u already know.. FOr the 2days of darkness, it is what it is!! Your not going to see any differnt resluts just a strong build up FR chemicals. Your plants will like to utalize wwhat they build so give them light. No worries though, i means its not like giveing them 2 days of straight light when you are in week 6 LOL. Hope it works out for you..
BTW I have read case studys were people try to increase yeild by leaving lights on or off for abnormal periods of time. when left on some strains (MOST) all got messed up, when when given longer dark periods little noticable affect.. keep tat in mind.

salad cigar

Active Member
thanks,i gonna carry on with my 250 mh or now ,might be lucky and borrow a 400 hps off a friend .only got 2 maybe 3 weeks let,or maybe longer will the flowering time be increased cause i been using mh bulb?


Well-Known Member
I would says its the plants maturation when its been introduced to 12/12 light. If your plants 9 weeks into flower under a MH, dont try and give it 2 more with a HPS since your going to go beyond a quality return.... Maybe u can top your plant and flower the bottom half for 1 week with a HPS. I know lots of peeps that do that, but tehy use a 1000HPS and have a much larger plant and more bush then what a 250MH can do... Give it a shot, not gonna it except your crop rotation if that applies to ya.. good luck

salad cigar

Active Member
thanks for the advice.this is my first grow in over 10 years.learning so much from this place.will let you know how it goes ,and maybe some photos if i can get them on here.