Lights Dropped While Working- Will Plants Make It?


Active Member
Well, I'm about 2.5 months in to my first grow, and while working in my bathroom to change out the nutrient supply and adjust the lights my whole light apparatus (a shower curtain rod) failed and caused my lights to crash down around my plants. The lights are fine, but I suffered heavy loss of vegetative growth- two weeks in to my flowering period. Ugh.

Anyway, so I lost one of the main two branches on my big plant (she was topped a while ago) and BOTH of the main branches of my second-biggest. The other two are different strains and I don't think they had too much damage (though one had its top snapped about an inch from the top), so I'm hopeful I'll get at least SOME smokable material out of this ordeal. I cleaned everything up and removed everything that was snapped, but everything left seems very, very droopy. I'm also worried about stress inducing hermaphrodites, so I added a little bit of SuperThrive to my supply. Are the droopy branches indicative of me having killed my plants, or is there still hope? For now I've staked them to get them to stay upright... but I am very concerned.

Anyone have any input? Thanks a bunch, and great community- this is my first post and I've already learned quite a bit from reading around in here.


Well-Known Member
This same thing happened to me except my plants were in veg. I splinted the ones I could and just left what I couldn't fix. They should be fine, after the initial shock they should bounce back. Just think of it like this if they were in a natural setting shit would happen to them like a deer breaking or eating the tops.I do a tie down thing so the whole branch get's tied down and then all the little branches grow up to the light. I think you will be fine. Just don't do anything too drastic to try and fix them. Good luck to you!!


Active Member
My partner has dropped the lights twice on two different crops. He got lucky both times. It didn't hurt them that much. One plant lost a couple of side branchs and I'm sure that it would have produced more if that didnt happen but live and learn. He's been asked to not mess with the lights unless I'm standing by. Good luck.


Active Member
My first was accidently was pollinated and I want to make sure that doesn't happen this time. What can I do to make sure there is no viable left in the room. It only been a few months and I trying low rider this time so I dont have long till they start to flower. Any suggestions would be appreciated:weed:


Active Member
Thanks for the advice! They do seem a little better today... but live and learn. At least it's just seeds scrounged from (admittedly quite good) bag weed.


Well-Known Member
I broke my whole plant and tied it together with some shoe string type string,that holds water,i tied it really tight back together and its doing great,after i thought i killed it for sure,they can be quite strong so just pamper it for a bit and you'll be fine..


Active Member
I broke my whole plant and tied it together with some shoe string type string,that holds water,i tied it really tight back together and its doing great,after i thought i killed it for sure,they can be quite strong so just pamper it for a bit and you'll be fine..
Damn, I should've tried that; I believe that would've worked nicely for one of my plants, but I've already removed the damaged areas.

At least there is some good news: the one plant that was not damaged is very obviously female and is looking quite lovely. At some point I'll take some photos for a critique thread (and some clones for the next attempt). Thanks again!


New Member
I accidently bent a stem really badly yesterday. I took a toothpick and some clear tape and taped the toothpick to the bend. It's standing up nicely now. I hope in a week or 2 the plant corrects herself and I can remove the "bandage"


Well-Known Member
I accidently bent a stem really badly yesterday. I took a toothpick and some clear tape and taped the toothpick to the bend. It's standing up nicely now. I hope in a week or 2 the plant corrects herself and I can remove the "bandage"

Like I said with my plants I tie them down, and I mean really bend them down, so I'm sure your fix will be o.k.Just remember the wider the medium to tie the better. No floss shit! I'm gonna start a journal here tonight a show everyone how bad i bend them. Good Luck to you all!!