Lights for supplementing outdoor grow


Active Member
I am in Thailand, and one of my problems is that being on the equator our days are very short.

I will build a transparent plastic roof over a patch of land (maybe 30' x 12') that gets good sun all day. We get a LOT of rain, hence the transparent plastic roof to keep the sun coming in and the rain out.

I will have some support beams overhead for the transparent plastic roof shingles, and I can also hang some lights. I can run the lights in the evening, keeping my ladies from flowering until I want them to.

Does anyone have a recommendation for what brand/model of lights I should look at?

I'm going to need something reasonably waterproof. I will have the roof up relatively high (maybe 12'), so I don't trap absurd amounts of heat; it's already "Hot, Damn Hot" here. I will have to hang the lights on chains and have them lower than the roof; otherwise, the light will never reach the canopy, and with rain that sometimes drives sideways, waterproofing of the lights will be necessary.