Lights, hours, type of plant

Hello everyone, I'm a newbie :) And I of course have a few questions. I'm been looking around the web, and seems many different answers to many of the same questions, which totally confuses a newbie like myself. I was lucky to find this site, and hopefully I can get some help.
I'm growing in my closet, and the only thing I had that would fit in there, is a 24 inch Florecent, double tube light fixture. I have two brand new Grow Lux bulbs, wide spectrum 20 watts each, I also have a eco lux plant and aquarium bulb. Sooo..what I've been reading suggests to me that I should put those bulbs aside for now, and pick up just two plain jane COOL WHITE bulbs for vegitation growth...would this be better than the grow lux tubes? The plant I'm growing is one "60 day wonder-feminized". It is suppose to be auto flowering. I'm only into week one so far. So should I switch to the cool white? And if I do, when would I switch them to grow lux for flowering? If I'm reading right, the grow lux have red waves in them, and this is needed for flowering. I'm open to any suggestions and help! It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

PS. After I know what bulbs to use, can you tell me what the lighting cycle should be? I've got them set for 12hours on, 12hours off right now. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I would use the gro-lux start to finish and throw in some cool white right away. the more colors the better. auto flowers can be done start to finish with a 12/12 cycle and so can anything else but it works great for the autos.good luck
I would use the gro-lux start to finish and throw in some cool white right away. the more colors the better. auto flowers can be done start to finish with a 12/12 cycle and so can anything else but it works great for the autos.good luck
Thank you for the reply. Since I can only get the one 2bulb fixture in there, perhaps I should go with ONE grow lux, and ONE cool white????


Get as broad spectrum of light you can, more of blue (cold) light in veg, and more of warm (red) fore bloom.

As fore the light cykels, (full)autos blooms under any amount of light hours, its ther age not the light that's starts the bloom. But reports suggests that some ware around 18/6- 20/4 of light and dark, from seed to harvest gives the best results.

None-autos (all cannabis without ruderalis-genetics) should start on 18/6, and switch to 12/12 when you want to start the bloom phase.