lights off for 9 day advice needed

Hi guys! Im going away for 9 days and I know my plant will not survive that long with lights on. My idea is to leve lights off for 9 days. What can happened? Girls are in 4 weeks flower.


Well-Known Member
Can you put the light on a timer and set up a small pump system on a timer to water the plants? Putting your plants in darkness for 9 days will seriously stress them and they will go into flower. If anything, leave the light on the whole time and setup a watering system on a timer, would cost you two tenths of fuck all to setup.


Well-Known Member
bye bye crop.
what you are saying is an invitation for mold. stretch, general confusion on the plants part... 9 days in the middle of flower? LOL
I'm simply affraid of leaving its on for so long. Last time I've left them for 8 days with ligh on and I never slept a night on holidays worrying about fire etc.

I guess I just have to do this and im going to share with you what has happend :-D


Well-Known Member
I used to travel and have to stay where I was for 4-5 days ....Left my plants in the dark while I was gone... they actually grew in the dark. You wanna be past onset like 3-4 weeks into flower....leave a fan or 2 on....9 days oucchh


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't putting them outside this time of year be a better option?

the light schedule is close to 12.5 hours and with one good watering and a little luck I think you'd be better off
good luck


Well-Known Member
I left mine for a week. Well watered and just the uvb light on a timer. They were fine. The temps were down too.:peace:

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
My idea is to leve lights off for 9 days. What can happened? Girls are in 4 weeks flower.
Turn off the big lights and use a small florecent or light bulb on a timer and water deep. Keep them on the flowering schedule with the timer and they should continue to grow. It will be like a bunch of rainy cloudy days to the plants. Then extend the flower cycle by 7-9 days longer at the end of flower and they should be no worse for wear. But do not leave them with no light for nine days in the dark. Any amount of light for 10-12 hours a day will keep them from stressing out bad. Even if it is an incandesent light. On the east coast sometimes a hurricane blows in for 5-7 days with cloudy conditions, wind and rain and low light levels in September and October but the plants will still continue to flower and grow.
Hi guys! I tough i share my experience with you. I did what i said, tent door widely open 1 CFL 14 watts on 12h. I was away for 9 days in 4th week Flo. Plants survive and that's was my goal but growth is stunt :-/ im on 9 weeks flower and they need another 2 weeks at least and that's petty coz i grow clones and they normally ready after 8 weeks. Buds size is not impressive at all, I have another tent and after 5 weeks Flo I have bigger buds in it.

I hope my experience will help others & it was a plesure to contribute in to this community :-D

Ps. Potency and taste didn't hurt at all I just consumed a sampel bud and it just as allways in sampels, grassy taste and a sore head type of high lol

Like my girlfriend said better any bud than no bud at all :-D and if you ever go away for couple of days better go when plants are in veg


Well-Known Member
water them and leave them in runoff water about 6 inches from the bottom of the pot, use a smaller house lamp or somthing just for photosynthesis, and also so the pots dont dry out due to the temps being 70f+ or 25c+ that may be the best idea i have, or put a 3L bottle of water in each pot, with a pin size hole dribbling water to them.


Well-Known Member
Hey, great experiment, and thanks for coming back to the group and sharing. +rep for that!

As I was catching up in the thread I was thinking you should just leave the tent open. The soft light would be like a cloudy day, and while they might not grow they certainly wouldn't have to die.

I would fully expect the change, however, to interrupt their growing pattern. So a week to get them back on course and then another 10 days to make up for the lack of growth and, yeah, I'd expect you to have to extend flowering about 2.5 weeks to recover from the break.

Good job trouble-shooting a tight spot!


Well-Known Member
Well since its been over a month now, I feel confident that the OP has already been gone for 9 days...

EDIT: Yes, and they came back to tell us!