Lights Please

seth gibson

New Member
I ordered seeds in October from Atitude Seeds and it was as if they encouraged customs to go through it by how they labeled the package. Busted, so no seeds for me. Bonzi Seeds got a delivery through but by the time I got my seeds it had been 45 days since my first attempt at ordering seeds. When my first delivery didn’t make it I got pissed and bummed some seeds from a friend who has dispensary access so I guess my array of plants are medical bag seed. After my dog ripped three seedlings out of their pot in the end I had 5, all girls. Maybe my dog rooted out the boys. Anyway from my picture you can see the novelty of what I’m up too. I have Annie’s soil, two 55 watt 2700k,1 45 watt 2700k, 4 23 watt 5000k 2 23 watt 6500 k. Plus my first LED light I paid 13 dollars for, it puts out 5 watts and I have since discovered it is good for lighting up an area not so sure if it’s good for growing a plant. (At the time I bought the light I had no plants and thought yeah that should be good for one plant. Oops.)
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I wanted auto flowers because I’m lazy impatient and believed the genetics will be fine i have since changed my mind but in the 32 once cups are my auto flowers. One is an Auto Lennon and the other a green –o matic. The Auto Lennon is one week head of the other but I harvest the Green o matic tomorrow on day 57 from seed. They say the Auto Lennon should be done at 70 days but it may become one big fox tail by that time. The Green has had it tough from light bulb burn to early transplant (yes into the cup… I know never transplant an auto…especially into a cup) but now that I have gone through the process after my other plants finish I will plant 2 Auto Northern lights in 3-5 gallon buckets for my next run and know what to excpect. I expect 3-4 grams from the green and 7 grams from the Lennon. I know weak:dunce:. But since I live in Colorado I can still go to the store and wait for the rest of my plants to finish. I just don’t want too.

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I water and nute based on weight of pot and dryness depth of top soil. I just found out my pH is around 7 to 7.5. and after nutes are in water my pH hits about 6.5. I will soon get pH down for when I feed regular water to 6.5 as well. They have been getting smaller doses of nitrogen to keep them green while shifting increase in bloom fertilizer since 5 days till flip. I hope to stop nitrogen altogether at day 30 and only do bloom two weeks or so and then start flushing. I'm using Foxfarm Grow Big and Big Bloom and Dyna-Gro Bloom.

Like a child in a sandbox I have been playing with growing style. Of my plants one has been LST and never topped but fan leaves cut from 7 blades down to one two weeks before flip. Another plant is like a hairy back that I have cut leaves and or just fan blades but the undergrowth is overwhelming while never topping. Another I topped multiple times in veg to keep it from stretching and have strung its tops out to open inside canopy. My final plant was my first born and on day three of its life it fell over on itself. (Over water of seedling kills) Through luck and a bookmark propped just soo the plant lived. It was stunted forever but after a small pot upgrade and lolloping this plant is my favorite. I expect that plant alone will give me a little over a quarter so I want to make it clear my goal is to finish strong with small plants in small containers. I have not cut any plant since flower started just tied a few lead runners down. Plant number 5 grew slow and never seemed happy (pH most likely) and since the plant house is full this plant is getting the boot. I just haven’t done it yet. My two favorite styles for plant growth is topping and opening up canopy and just letting it be.

Not knowing what to expect going in I think I’m right to keep my containers small. I don’t have a scrub system so I can’t handle magnitude plus it is more important for me to complete a run so I can learn blah blah blah and I’m hoping to be able to have better control for placing lights over bud sights.

So is my project of making small root balls a waste of time money and resources? I have a small clone of each of these plants starting to take root so around March it will be just two autos and my favorite of the four plants rocking in the plant palace….and then the summer will be here. Outside with bigger pots and more growing skills under my belt in the summer of ‘14.

I honestly don’t think foil with CFL’s to be a bad thing. Maybe with the brighter hotter lights foil is bad but not so much with CFL’s. (I really don’t want to debate that but am willing and know I will lose) My other plan is to do the step harvesting of plants recommended by some on this sight. You know harvest the top kolas off plants when they finish and not the whole plant letting smaller under developed buds finish off as well.

I wouldn’t mind the comments or advice but I can tell you plainly I am well aware I need more lights. If I get a half off each plant that will be two zips and smiles and then I will buy something stronger light wise. I promised myself to get through this grow before I buy another light because when I do buy another light it will most likely not be a CFL.
I also do not expect many responses but this sight has helped me and I'm gonna finish this grow on this sight even if i have to medicate myself to do it.:leaf::-P



Well-Known Member
Sorry to say, you are about to learn the difference between pot bound and root bound real soon,
stay sharp, second lesson will be to secure the area before germination,
third will be mold and what does it mean to me...? lol keep a notebook says repeating same mistakes annually

seth gibson

New Member

Yes the future scares me if it involves mold. I think you are referring to letting air circulation to the buds?

If you do not place CFL’s just so you get in my case, but with one plant…bushes. Tight nodes sounds great but I really wouldn’t have minded plants that show off a little stem so I am starting to understand air movement into and behind bud with my pig tailing auto cause it ain't happening on it's on.

I read or saw somewhere plants will get root bound if you keep ‘em a long time in same container but two weeks before flip I switched from 1.25 quart containers to the foldgers and the bucket. The one in the real pot actually had a roommate until 2 weeks until flip but has been in that pot for a long time.….i know:sleep:. I’m curious to see what happens, I mean will it feed on old roots from former plant or become fustrated? Today is day 19 into flower and i know i soon will regret not getting bigger containers but again finishing strong is main goal. If you were asked when do you think it becomes pointless to transplant cause it's just too late?

Here’s what I did this morning along with I couldn’t get rid of sleepy plant number 5 so I gave her a bigger pot (gallon). My girls.
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They look good, you definetly can grow a plant. You may do well to grow in bigger pots. Hell even two gallon. Two plants in bigger pots will likely yield the same or more than three even four smaller ones.

seth gibson

New Member

My wife doesn't smoke really at all and she asked me today if my harvested autoplant should last me awhile and i almost laughed out-loud. That plant will make it maybe a week most likely with me 3 to 4 days while she is thinking it will last me weeks so I am starting to think my desire for small pots and control just to get a feel is going to piss me off with knowing the whole time I'm wasting plant potential. Thanks for good advise. Tomorrow I will upgrade my tied down plant and let the rest have book stands and focus on the top of canopy for remainder of run to get one better yielding plant.
Checked out your thread and your plants are looking sweet. Flipping on new years just seemed easy to me that's why i did it.

seth gibson

New Member
I must say on day 24 of flower I feel things seem to be going well.

Two of my plants are showing frost and although it might have been too late to make a difference I have upgraded to a two gallon smart pot for the plant that needed it most (day 20). Thanks Naturworksorganics, now when I look at that I plant I don’t secretly feel bad because now it’s got room to breathe, as is not the case with my first and favorite. This is a lesson for all those who don’t want to upgrade before flower or who do but don’t go with a big enough pot. My goal was to finish strong with small pots now I’m thinking my goal should have been to finish weak with large pots. Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely excited about my plants however this plant could have been a monster. 225 012.jpgAnd i must constantly water /feed her.


What problems can you growers see coming my way?

Do any of you know a good thread I can turn to about learning about magnesium deficiencies and the use of the Epsom salts without searching too many or too long for a educational one?
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seth gibson

New Member
In the summer, three plants i cared for died except the one i ignored. Of course 1.9 grams dried but it hooked me. Everything wrong from pot size to clear pot to no nutes. Learned a lot about what not to.harpy and crew 052.jpg

seth gibson

New Member
Yea but you should have seen..... the frost. When you here someone say my stuffs pure fire you can just know my stuff went up in one fire.
This picture should show you i am building up to a pound plant...someday. Far far away...but it is coming.225 013.jpg The confined auto that will not end.Auto Lennon is most likely super bowl =s picking. Third plant ever harvested and yes this will be the biggest.
Anyway this plant experienced some of it leaves getting spots. Not white mildew but dark spots along the leaves that stick out or at least did before plant started to get flushed Not all the leaves just some up towards the top. Any ideas on where i should go for info?