lights to close? help please =3


the leaves on my babies are curling and turning yellow. could they be burning?...i always sort of had problems with my 2 plants with the leaves discolouring.

I have a 1000w light about 4 feet above them. should i move it up higher?...or can someone tell me diffrent?



Active Member
i have a 1000 w MH, and i've at MOST ever had it 2 1/2 ft away, and that was when they were tiny seedlings...i don't think the light being too close is your problem


New Member
the leaves on my babies are curling and turning yellow. could they be burning?...i always sort of had problems with my 2 plants with the leaves discolouring.

I have a 1000w light about 4 feet above them. should i move it up higher?...or can someone tell me diffrent?

the plants are badly stretched so the light is not too close(4ft) i think you have nute burn as its not just the tips burning the leaf blades are burning too(at the edges of the leafes).



to much nutes maybe?..something is making them look like lost. ive tried everything but transplanting them to better soil. unfortunately they were put into miracle grow soil. and i know that watering them activates the nutes in the soil so im trying to only water them every 3 days. who knows if they will even make it at this point. ohwell...maybe next batch i will have more luck. (better soil this time for my seedlings =3)


thought would i get them to not stretch so much? there a link to a post i can read about this?...i had the light about 2' close to my seedlings and they honestly looked like they were burning so i moved the light up to 4'


New Member
to much nutes maybe?..something is making them look like lost. ive tried everything but transplanting them to better soil. unfortunately they were put into miracle grow soil. and i know that watering them activates the nutes in the soil so im trying to only water them every 3 days. who knows if they will even make it at this point. ohwell...maybe next batch i will have more luck. (better soil this time for my seedlings =3)
thought would i get them to not stretch so much? there a link to a post i can read about this?...i had the light about 2' close to my seedlings and they honestly looked like they were burning so i moved the light up to 4'

dont use that miracle grow shit as thats your problem there.
they are still young and will survive(just dont add any nutes yet).
here is a light distance chart for hps.



New Member
thank you Ludacris =3 very very appreciated. and yes no more miracle grow!
i sent you some repp and welcome to the friends/contacts list.
just message me and i will get back to you as soon as possible as time zones differ.
so be patient as i have lots of mail to get through everyday as you will see my friends list is never ending.



im using Scotts pro blends now. it has slow realease on the nutes and good drainage. its very beautiful soil i must say ;)