
Ok so i'm ready to start my plants but im unsure on what lights to use, i want to gorow 1-2 plants. i need to know what kind of lights to buy and where to get them. I know theres a lot of options for lights but i need just a basic setup that works good.:confused:
Well cfls are real basic and give people great results, but i prefer a hps light and balist. 1-2-5-7 plants a 400w hps will do the job. The resilts will be amazing and your buds will be much denser and bigger with hps. Any hydro store has it all. my experience.

I'm growin two plants under four 40W (~2700 lumen) CFLs right now, and it's going well. I think it's a good idea to not underdo it since the bulbs are cheap, run cool, and use very little power. The grow box is 3' wide, 1.5' deep, 1.5' tall and ran hot until I installed ventilation using some RadioShack fans. I have another identical box and I'll double 'em up when the plants outgrow the one box.