
none taken! I have my own opinion, with that being said cobs are trending now as being top notch light source if you can afford them I never recommend them to the guy, and I won't be running cobs anytime soon because of my own budget.
I only mentioned the basic pros and cons for cobs/led/hps!
my winter is probably very different from yours here the lowest it'll get is 30 degrees. maybe 2-4 times each season.
average winter temp is 70,recirculating heat from hps can be benifical for some people.
I'm young but I do a lot of research and go through a lot of grow journals. I get real results/info from grow history not light company's promises. And then base that off claimed specs of the lights.

110 watts using a Samsung QB board. $149 kit. No soldering needed.
Out of stock for now. Runs at 74 deg F.