Like a boss: Bernie 'Living Wage Sanders' cuts hundreds from campaign staff

Your argument is on a par with "nuh uh" . Fail.

i actually cited your own words to spell out what you are trying to disguise with not-so-clever euphemisms.

you think it would be "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign disallowing black people.

those are your own words.

you can try to dress it up with euphemism any way you wish, that is your right. it is my right to point out that you are simply a segregationist, and a pedophile.
When you say "allowed" it sounds like you believe in a forcibly imposed hierarchy wherein some people have more rights than others.

If "permission" from another entity is a requirement to open a business, your indenture is a certainty.

and you still can't back up your claim by naming a single person who wasn't "allowed" to open a business.

your penis is tiny, your arguments are pathetic, and you are a slave who is being raped.
shit fukkers will always get hysterical when their being lightly joshed, such moaning cunts these fairies
Rob ROy will get all the segregation he wants
IN prison
Of course even protective custody wont protect him from those who want to kill child molesters

Didnt rollitup threaten to ban you months ago if you didnt stop this shit?
i actually cited your own words to spell out what you are trying to disguise with not-so-clever euphemisms.

you think it would be "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign disallowing black people.

those are your own words.

you can try to dress it up with euphemism any way you wish, that is your right. it is my right to point out that you are simply a segregationist, and a pedophile.

You cherry picked the context though, Poopy Pants. You asked for the most polite and reasonable way (or something like that) that a racist could inform other people of his intentions for the use of his property.

I said it was polite and reasonable for a property owner to notify people of their intentions via a sign, that doesn't mean I agree with the content of the message. They are two different things.

While I can respect that a racist has the right to control his own body and property, that doesn't mean I hold the same beliefs. You seem monumentally confused and irrational. Incapable of differentiating between two clear and distinctly separate things. ( I just called you a bonehead)

So now I'll ask you, what is the most polite and reasonable way to use a threat backed by force to take away another persons right to control their own property and their body?
You cherry picked the context though, Poopy Pants. You asked for the most polite and reasonable way (or something like that) that a racist could inform other people of his intentions for the use of his property.

I said it was polite and reasonable for a property owner to notify people of their intentions via a sign, that doesn't mean I agree with the content of the message. They are two different things.

While I can respect that a racist has the right to control his own body and property, that doesn't mean I hold the same beliefs. You seem monumentally confused and irrational. Incapable of differentiating between two clear and distinctly separate things. ( I just called you a bonehead)

So now I'll ask you, what is the most polite and reasonable way to use a threat backed by force to take away another persons right to control their own property and their body?
Good morning, Robby. I still hate you. Have a lovely Sunday.
Rob ROy will get all the segregation he wants
IN prison
Of course even protective custody wont protect him from those who want to kill child molesters

*Rob Roy

Your fixation on children is somewhat disconcerting, Prohibitionist.
Better than you
who wants to be a racist and degenerate kid fucker

I'm neither a racist or a kiddie diddler.

You, on the other hand DID propose a law which would incarcerate peaceful people for cannabis related behavior.

I could forgive you, but first you'd have to disavow your Prohibitionist ideas and legislative proposals.