Like my creation?/Homemade Bubbler


Active Member
Atleast i think its a bubbler lol took a small hit and it was the smoothest hit ive ever took.
sadly the downstep is a blastic pen so gotta make sure i dont roast the bowl.
i used a breathing tube i think thats what they call it for the mouth peace i can also stuff it into the other peace and make it like 5 ft longer
what you guys think?
and what you guys think is better a metal downstem or a plastic one the metal one will eventually rust.


Active Member
I guess it's okay. I've used worse. I hope that's the only possible thing you can smoke out of. I doubt making the mouth piece 5 ft longer would give you any kind of better hit. I would choose the slight possibility of rust from metal vs. the definite fumes from plastic every time. Rust isn't a guarantee, and fumes are damn near for sure.


Active Member
I guess it's okay. I've used worse. I hope that's the only possible thing you can smoke out of. I doubt making the mouth piece 5 ft longer would give you any kind of better hit. I would choose the slight possibility of rust from metal vs. the definite fumes from plastic every time. Rust isn't a guarantee, and fumes are damn near for sure.
wanna see my other home made peace?
its a plastic alcohol 13 inch cup made into bong with a ash catcher made from a pill bottle it has a tiny glass downstem.061212044550.jpg


Active Member
I guess it's okay. I've used worse. I hope that's the only possible thing you can smoke out of. I doubt making the mouth piece 5 ft longer would give you any kind of better hit. I would choose the slight possibility of rust from metal vs. the definite fumes from plastic every time. Rust isn't a guarantee, and fumes are damn near for sure.
well its harder to hit but the smoke cools in the tubing + its cool to cherry the bowl and just sit there taking puffs like a vape

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I was thinking about trying to make a decent defuser on my beast, but the amount of time and effort put into it kind of makes me just want to get a new one. That and the fact I feel like I need to try something a bit more bizarre and compact. The best idea so far is to get a rok-it bong and adapt the glass chamber and downpiece to something a little larger. It would be quite the smooth smoke if I could extend it to two foot and add an ice catcher.