Lil CFL grow of mine

Mr Choof

Active Member
Hello guys and gals, thought i would introduce you all to my 3 plants. They originated from some random seeds i have been given. So along came the time when i thought it appropriate to plant them (ie sick of trying to source the stuff). So after a lot of reading on good ol RIU, i set to work, filled with enough knowledge (i think) to start a little grow happening. My main goal of the grow was two have a 2 plants that i could grow to a reasonably size for personal use. I didn't want huge plants stinking up the place along with a huge bill at the end of it when im trying to save money in the first place... So... I germinated about 15-20 seeds using the paper towel in a glass method which worked well. I picked 10 of the seeds that had grown the most during the 4 day germination period. Then on to the planting. I looked around for a fare amount of time at my local hardware store and found what i thought was a reasonable soil to plant them in (seed and cuttings soil). I found this to have a good PH of just under 7 (from what i could work out with my PH metre, not sure if its very accurate) and also good drainage. So I put them in clear plastic cups (just read that roots dont like sunlight...) placing them about an inch into the soil. After 3 days under 2 x 48watt 5k lights i had some sproutlings. Now, this is where it the story takes a little bad turn. I have read a lot (A LOT) about over watering, so not to be another sucker that over waters their plants i was very cautious about how much i watered them, and i think i was a little over cautious. Once i realised this i began watering a bit more and consequently lost about 4 which i think really stunted their growth as you can probably see from the pics. Not to worry, as i had 6 left and assumed some would die during this grow. So, after a little while im down to 4 and it has been just under 3 weeks. I transplanted to some 4.5ltr pots 3 days ago (last pic) and thought it would be time to make a little post about my efforts and see what you folks had to say. Also i have been keeping them between 21 and 28c (70f - 82f) I will probably be making updates as i go along (hopefully with some better progress). Hope you enjoy/ed the read. Of course comments are welcome, keep them friendly please. :) Peace P.S. sorry about the formatting, disregards mine for some reason... P.P.S. Pictures are in date order. (sprouts = day 3, then 2 weeks in cups still, then 3 weeks in new bigger pots)


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr.\

I would transplant into larger pots NOW... and pots that are not clear.. clear pots is asking for trouble...

You should get into 3 gallon containers NOW.. and mix 20 - 30% perlite into your medium


Also consider entering your grow in the journal contest :)

Mr Choof

Active Member
They are in 4.5ltr pots now, did that 3 days ago (probably missed that bit) and yeah i did read that the roots dont like light, but read that today.... doh. Not sure about the contest, but ill check it out ;) Cheers for comments. -Choof

Mr Choof

Active Member
Got up this morning and the spots on one of my good plants had gotten worse and a couple of the leaf tips have started to curl upwards. Also watered the night before. Light is 2" away. Recently moved from 1". Not sure how to go about this. Ill leave it another day, see how she goes through the day, then reassess. Choof.



Well-Known Member
I believe curling upwards is a sign of heat stress. Some of the leaves on my plants that were growing while i had heat troubles have that problem -> the tip curls up. However, my plants are fine now. What are your temps?

might keep the light up for a bit while it's still young. But i've got my 40 watt cfls like, < 1 inch above the top of my plants and they love it.

i'm not sure about those yellow spots =/. you're not giving them nutes are you?

yes, and also you should add perlite to your soil like the known says.



Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good so knowm is right clear cups are bad. Its not good for the roots to get light. Also the germinating method you choose scares me...;(
Its not a proven fact but been known that males will grow faster then females so they can pollinate before the females mature.....So what i would of done is only germinated 10....kept the rest for later, that way you can always germinate more if they turn out to be male...likely hood out of four you will get 50/50 male and female...out of my 5 i got two females and one plant died...they could be curling cause of nutes feeding yet...???
I just germinated 5 more purple power and got 5 fem. bb cheese coming.....And i numbered them in the rate of growth, and for a good lighting system. To see if males grow faster...
Good luck, will be checking in...
Do you have any seeds left...???

Mr Choof

Active Member
Just checked on them then and took some photos. The spots on the biggest one which was going well, have now become more obvious. No not feeding nutes. Just 7ph water. Temps have been around 21c to 26c (70f - 79f) so not bad as far as i understand. Might give a water tonight... See how we go. Thanks for the input. Choof.



Active Member
your ph is off that may be why your leaves have the spots. ive read that ideal is around 5.8. i keep mine around 6 and they seem to be doing fine.
also your light is too close. im using cfls and found that 1-2 inches is too close i backed mine up to around 5 - 6 and seem to be doing much better. also from some of your pics it looks like you are overwatering but it was corrected quickly. nice job :) my grow is pretty close to yours. you should check out my journal it may help you out. its called my first indoor and hydro grow!

these guys on here are great help. listen to thier advice and take what you see fit as the best action for you. just keep the pics coming and happy growing, youll be giving great advice too.

btw do you have a fan going in there? you should!

Mr Choof

Active Member
Hmmm alright, ill go grab some ph down or something tomorrow, see if that helps. Ill also have a look at the light as well, see if they look like they are getting hot. *goes and checks, takes photos* Hmm looks like the water situation is good to me...? But yes, possibly the ph is off, or heat, or both? Thanks for the encouraging words, will check out your journal now. Cheers. Choof. P.S. They have a fan on them keeping fresh air blowing over them at they were just at 25c (77f).


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
What kind of soil is that?

Just to clarify... It is more than just roots not liking soil.. my main concern about clear containers is the mixture of WATER and LIGHT.. when water or moisture mix with light, all sorts of random shit starts to grow.. and sometimes, that shitfooks up roots...



Well-Known Member
how old are your plants now?

looking pretty small from 3 weeks

these are mine at 3 weeks and 3 days.