lil help plz..


Active Member
So ive seen all over the forums people refer to different soils good for growing. I plan on starting a soil grow within the next week or so, and so i ask you all for a little advice. Should i use the miracle grow potting soil, or what would be a better one?

Also, what nutrients could someone recommend that would be good for soil grow.

All and any advice appreciated, thanks


Well-Known Member
If you can get ahold of some starter soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, sand, or coco then I would recommend "cutting" the Miracle Gro (MG) with whatever of that list you can get ahold of. Advanced: sterilize (approx. 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes in the oven) some yard soil (preferably something with a little clay (it will hold water well) and mix that with the MG. As my man 40 says, DON'T USE ANY EXTRA NITROGEN if you are going to be using the MG...wait until the leaves turn yellow (they probably won't until budding starts unless it is from the nute burn). Depending on what strain you are using it might not be as problematic, but strains that like the nutes on the light side will burn easier with the time release crap they put in the MG.


New Member
If you can get ahold of some starter soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, sand, or coco then I would recommend "cutting" the Miracle Gro (MG) with whatever of that list you can get ahold of. Advanced: sterilize (approx. 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes in the oven) some yard soil (preferably something with a little clay (it will hold water well) and mix that with the MG. As my man 40 says, DON'T USE ANY EXTRA NITROGEN if you are going to be using the MG...wait until the leaves turn yellow (they probably won't until budding starts unless it is from the nute burn). Depending on what strain you are using it might not be as problematic, but strains that like the nutes on the light side will burn easier with the time release crap they put in the MG.
I should have been more clear. Listen to this. I also have started cutting my MG. I use cocofiber and clay pellets, but have run all the way thru harvest on mG. People talk shit on it, but they wouldnt be in buisness if they didnt know there stuff.


Well-Known Member
Most seem to stay away from MG..I wouldn't (I don't) try a tricky soil without some more don't want to have a nute problem....that sucks for experienced peeps, if your new....!! I like a good premium neutral or low ph..Mr 40 knows his symptoms and can avoid problems from for nute..(very basic) veg 20-20-20 , 20-10-10, higher N, start at 1/4 strength
and increase slowly..I don't go higher than 5ml (yes they have measure cup) per gallon. Flower 10-30-25 sort higher (P) + (K)..this is what I need to read FAQ and find the right combo's you can afford & get...If you do go with what 40 says..He's a good Joe (hey 40) and he knows MG and will prob help. Good Luck

* hey 40, I got you a new stalker...just kidding.....(inside joke...can't help myself) I'll give you my phone #..send me a phone stalker..:):)


Active Member
okay... so that helps a bit.. the veg stage wont be for long, i dont have a lot of space to grow in.. probably stick to around 1 week on veg..
i guess i could get all that stuff at a greenhouse supply store..

oh and its probably gonna be purple kush, hash plant, and im looking for some diesel clones..


New Member
If you want to use the MG, do it and get some nutes for the flowering stage. Its relly easy to do it like this. It was only once i started experimenting that i started fucking up plants.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
My 1st two grows were with MG and the only real issues I had were self induced. :mrgreen: I am currently starting my first grow with FF Ocean/Warrior mix and am very impressed with what I have seen. I had decent success with MG but the best thing is to just let it do what it's supposed to do. Don't help it until your plants start telling you what they need. Good luck with your grow. I will always have a warm spot for gave me my first buds I ever grew.