lime green leaves

lil daddy

Hello everyone i bought some plants feb 13 and i over fed them causing the leaves to turn brownish yellow at the tips. Once i saw this i flushed them on thursday, then when sunday came back around i fed them less which was 5:2:5 now i'm starting to see my leaves turning lime green what can be the problem and what can i do to save them i'm in my 2nd week of the veg stage and i am a first ti
me grower and ever
y time i see a change in the leaves i get nervous.


Active Member
your pics dont work but in there 2nd week of veg it may still be too early to be using any nutes, depending on the soil it can be anywhere from 3 -4 weeks before a quarter strength of nutes would be needed. what soil are u using? what size pots and how much water did you flush them with. also after flushing you dont want to give them anything because the plants will be stressd after the flush.
personally i would flush again just b4 they go on there sleep(if 18/6) and then just leave them until you see how they respond. your probably using soil that has nutes in it aswell.
only ever add nutes unless you see your plants need it, get back with the info and then will be able to tell you what is ur next step.