Limitless drug


Well-Known Member
From the movie, If it existed, we would already have colony's in space, and the wars would be over. If made in mass quantity and dosed to the entire population of the planet, we would possibly excel to become an extraordinary species of animal, to our current knowledge I'm sure any alien life that found us, would be light years ahead of us in science/tech, with a drug like that, we might catch up. imagine FULL access of your brain, and being able to recall to exact detail anything you have ever read, watched, experienced or learned. That is a drug worth a war to possess. Not the shit we have now. :twisted:


New Member
Hell Yeah bro that shit would be trippy to live in a time like that. lol I would bet weed would end up on that planet somehow, so id still b tokin up everyday. imagine the dro u could grow on a different planet,, like im asking this in a scientific way,, being stoned and living on low gravity.


Active Member
research pramiracetam, I took it a couple times, shit was crazy... I took it before the movie came out, and the movie reminded me of it. its like you think subconsciously, crazy weird shit. I believe it is the most potent nootropic