Limp and shriveled...

Having a little trouble with this guy... Looked around the forum for a solid answer but couldn't pinpoint the cause. Have two more plants from the same set of seeds that are doing great. Any help would be awesome. Thanks

Hmm... Is at least 10 inches away from the closest CFL and is watered the same amount as the other 2 plants that are doing good...


Well-Known Member
there must be some environmental difference at work here...

some plants (even from clones) are just fussy and light eaters could be something simple, like you always water that one last (so it gets the dredges of the nutes)


Well-Known Member
Although I always grow several plants simutaniously, I still treat them as individuals....some may get a bit more or less than the others, according to their need. Your shriveled one is stunted from something......probably will not recover to do anything worth keeping. Personally, I'd keep concentrating on the good ones, and use the poor one for experimentation purposes...who knows, you may learn something that will help in the future to prevent this.
I see improper watering with the poor one.....poor drainage too?
Thanks for the replies guys.

Here's a picture I just took this morning. The top set of leaves seem to be doing better but the very bottom set of leaves are turning yellow. How should I go about watering?



Well-Known Member
Mostly, I'd say it's suffering from never being watered thoroughly(heavily), and possibly...PH being off, as well.