limp stems... underwatered?


Well-Known Member
They're in 3 gallon containers. Foxfarm OF, not rootbound, outdoors, 2 months old. Half started flowering 2-3 weeks ago, other half don't even have preflowers yet for some reason.

Anyway, I'm watering them every 2 days (1 gallon of water each) but everyday I wake up I find that a couple of them look as if they're underwatered so I give them more water and they perk up after a few hours. But then the same thing happens again to the same plants the next day. They're not wilted but the top half of the stems are completely limp and the leaves look as if they're resting at night.

I dont understand what's causing this. They look really green and healthy overall.


Well-Known Member
Is it real hot out? Your containers can dry up within a few hours. Lift the pots up and if they feel real light then you might have to water everyday. But wouldn't advise feeding with every watering


Well-Known Member
my plants droop when it gets dark too. No problem as far as Im concerned. I asked this too about two weeks ago. floppy stems is usually a sign of overwatering tho. could just be a minor case of heat stress.


Well-Known Member
must be heat stress then? What should I do? They're drooping during light hours.

The problem fixes itself when I water them.. So I guess i'll just water them everyday then


Active Member
I have the same problem and basically I learned when I needed to water by watching plants real closely and as soon as I seen the tip of plant start to wilt I knew it was time to so I would water a half day before they would wilt also I made the mistake of going with black pots witch get hot and dry up quick but it was easily fixed by double potting and after that I noticed my roots actually start growing to the sides of the pot when before they wouldn't do to the heat.


Active Member
I agree with the weight of the pots but it depends on the soil I never used FFOF by it self before so I dont know what the drainage is like with out extra perlite and so on but everybody has there own ways.


Well-Known Member
yea but the soil is still moist so I don't see why they'd be wilting.. Maybe there's dry spots?

and the container is between light and heavy so I know I still have at least another day till to water them.


Well-Known Member
quit watering so much your gonna kill em. try shading them some to help them cool and spray the plant when the sun goes down to help it cool off. Stick ur whole finger down in the soil and if its still moist than dont bother it. Their only drooping because their trying to get away from the sun. They perk up when watered because the quick drink is cool until the water heats up in the soil. They need some shade.