Lindsey Graham is leading a National Abortion Ban.


Well-Known Member
Here we go!

Several articles are online right now and as I type there will be Lindsey Graham National Abortion Ban press conference live at 4 PM EST today 9/13/2022 That is 1 PM Pacific time

I can only hope those that are normally aloof of current and political events are going to Wake Up and see what the Far Right is pushing and pushing hard.
This is yet another charge at taking away people's rights.

Sure a lot of guys are saying "hey I can't get pregnant so what do I care?"
You have to care about Freedom for all or for all there will be none.

So today Lindsey Graham will hold a press conference on imposing Federal Laws on Free States to stop people from having a right to choose their own reproductive rights.

Articles :

Mother Jones
Rolling Stone
The Guardian

I also believe they will introduce legislation in the hopes of making a National ban a reality albeit one step at a time. Like putting a frog in a pot of cool water and lighting the stove under it until the frog is boiled dead without ever realizing it was slowly being murdered.

Freedom is under attack folks. It is coming from the Fascist Right and they are very well funded.
Remember Men and Women fought and died to protect our freedoms and here we have Lindsey Graham, a man who has no other life than being a U.S. Senator, working to stay relevant in the wake of the Fascist war on American Freedoms.
I think its great. Thank you for being so shitty republicans. It is important that the public clearly acknowledges what a vote for each group means, what they support.

Don't let em hide behind "I just support small government" or whatever. The thrust of the party is what it is. Make it as silly as "I vote nazi because they advocate being vegetarian." That group is being very clear on telling people who they are and what they want to do, people should listen.
I think its great. Thank you for being so shitty republicans. It is important that the public clearly acknowledges what a vote for each group means, what they support.

Don't let em hide behind "I just support small government" or whatever. The thrust of the party is what it is. Make it as silly as "I vote nazi because they advocate being vegetarian." That group is being very clear on telling people who they are and what they want to do, people should listen.
“I support small government” is quite sufficient as demonstrating clear intent to kill the republic.

The hard part will be getting the large contingent of citizens who like the idea to recognize that. It is being effectively sold as a good thing. Freedum!
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So Lindsey Graham is wanting to get started the very same thing that was done in the name of State's rights and so called Small Government with a Federal Law that can once again be chipped away at just like Row v Wade was.

We must fear those who come for our rights in the name of some God or Some purported morality.
Extremists are never happy and will keep coming back for more of our rights time after time.
This is yet another charge at taking away people's rights.

Sure a lot of guys are saying "hey I can't get pregnant so what do I care?"
You have to care about Freedom for all or for all there will be none.

Freedom is under attack folks. It is coming from the Fascist Right and they are very well funded.
Remember Men and Women fought and died to protect our freedoms and here we have Lindsey Graham, a man who has no other life than being a U.S. Senator, working to stay relevant in the wake of the Fascist war on American Freedoms.
Lyndsey Graham is a piece of crap, but "Freedom is under attack" from both sides. Republicans want to take away a woman's right to reproductive choices, while Democrats want to take away people's right to their own medical choices with their "health" mandates. I support a woman's right to reproductive choice, and I also support people's right to make their own medical choices, free from coercion.
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That we personally might think, hey, That right doesn't effect me so what the hell why do I care.
Well there is a poem that we should all remember.

First They Came – by Pastor Martin Niemöller

Download a copy of First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
That we personally might think, hey, That right doesn't effect me so what the hell why do I care.
Well there is a poem that we should all remember.
MAGA GOP believe the Civil Rights Act was a terrible thing. That Act is the foundation upon which state sanctioned segregation and suppression of Black voting in the South was finally brought to an end. So, yeah, their assault on women's rights is just the beginning. The thing is, they are saying it out loud. It is not a secret. People who aren't paying attention and who aren't aware enough to spend the time to vote are living rent free, People like Graham will be handing them a bill that they didn't think they would ever have to pay. They depended on others for protection of their rights for too long.
If I were the Democrat Party, for the next couple of months I would put Lindsey Graham on the political cross and make him the Poster Boy of the assault on a Woman's right to choose.
They are and the law is being compared to the one in Mississippi on TV. Mitch is not happy and is near freaking out, that should tell you everything you need to know! :lol: This blunder is comparable to Vlad's in invading Ukraine...
Lindsey just made the election about abortion and not a referendum on Biden or the border, or immigration or anything else, except freedom and abortion. It will be framed as a rights issue by the democrats and tied to the safety of democracy, another big issue in this election. It illustrates the two issues and ties them together into a talking point, family planning rights, a term that would be powerful among women. A large part of what women do and dream about is planning a family, they create them, manage them and run them, they also bear the lion's share of the burden. Family planning rights.
Lindsey just made the election about abortion and not a referendum on Biden or the border, or immigration or anything else, except freedom and abortion. It will be framed as a rights issue by the democrats and tied to the safety of democracy, another big issue in this election. It illustrates the two issues and ties them together into a talking point, family planning rights, a term that would be powerful among women. A large part of what women do and dream about is planning a family, they create them, manage them and run them, they also bear the lion's share of the burden. Family planning rights.

Oh man oh man. Yes Lindsey Graham just pulled the scab off the wound.
In my opinion the GOP AKA Mitch McConnell did his chuckle and wiggled his neck flab trying to "Awe Shucks" what Lindsey Graham just did.

You have a keen eye my friend.
One thing that I find interesting about the whole abortion issue is the focus on the right of a woman to use her body as she chooses. I think that makes sense.

What I don't get is why the right of another being with another body is sometimes ignored. For instance, if a late term pregnant woman is murdered, many people are okay with calling this a double murder. Some of those same people, would then, in the realm of defending abortion, declare that the unborn have no rights etc.

Then why is it a double murder if a woman who HAS rights and a "thing" who has no rights is also extinguished?
One thing that I find interesting about the whole abortion issue is the focus on the right of a woman to use her body as she chooses. I think that makes sense.

What I don't get is why the right of another being with another body is sometimes ignored. For instance, if a late term pregnant woman is murdered, many people are okay with calling this a double murder. Some of those same people, would then, in the realm of defending abortion, declare that the unborn have no rights etc.

Then why is it a double murder if a woman who HAS rights and a "thing" who has no rights is also extinguished?
Do you think all things have clear cut answers? This is the realm of medical ethics and such questions are perhaps best left to them, as far as law and policy goes. Nobody has any rights except those the constitution, the law and the UN charter give them and as we have seen enforcing those rights is problematic and very uneven.

There is another aspect to this, those have rights who dare to defend them, works in Ukraine and in America too. Individuals could not resist the Russian invasion, a community and country do that and in war individual rights are suppressed for the benefit of the community, they can even draft your ass. How you feel about being drafted or even volunteering affects morale and you have to believe in your cause and be willing to sacrifice yourself for your family and community. That is what is going on in Ukraine and to a degree in America too.