Liquid egg shell fertilizer



I'm about to start my first grow, i'll be using bio bizz grow & bloom. Because i'm new to this i don't want to mess it up especially as i'm growing for the oil to help someone's cancer. I heard that liquid egg shell fertilizer helps neutralize the pH so i was thinking of adding the bio grow / bloom to the liquid egg shell water so i lower the risks of over dosing or not using enough nutes, is this a good idea? Because i believe having the acidity too high or too low can cause problems. Although i hear it's best to keep the pH at 5.8-6.2 i believe 7.0 is fine, and i really don't have the money to be spending loads on pH meters and all that. I was told the egg shells are 95% calcium so they're good for the plant anyway.



Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime added to your mix will take care of your pH AND supply Ca and Mg.

It will not interfere with the nutes since there is no real NPK. Being ground up limestone it is totally natural. Cheap also, being ~$4 for a 40lb bag at Lowes or HD.

Try and avoid bottled stuff. Just more $$$$$ and nowhere close to better or even as good.



Well-Known Member
wet just gave you some good advice. use 1 cup of lime per cubic ft of soil and you will never have to worry about PH again. i wont grow any other way now.


Do any of you know where i can get it in the uk or any good alternatives? We're limited here....

Also how often would i use it?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Do any of you know where i can get it in the uk or any good alternatives? We're limited here....

Also how often would i use it?

Thanks :)

dont know in the uk but im sure you can find it. order it if you cant locate it at a store. you only need to use it one time, thats when you mix it in the soil prior to planting. 1cup per cu ft of soil.


Well-Known Member
That ^^^^^

Ask for Garden lime, Agricultural lime, *Soil Sweetener* or the like. Just be sure it is NOT hydrated lime.

The UK is full of lime, a lot of older buildings are made of limestone. You just need smaller pieces.



Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime is great and I would say use it if you can.If you can't find/afford it then here's something else you can use that works just as well. *I used it this year*

Take your old used egg shells (6-12) and wash them with water.Let dry or put into the oven on a baking sheet at 350 for 15 mins or until light brown. *keep an eye on them and don't let them burn*. Take them out and let them cool. Now you need to grind them up till they are powder (the finer the better). Use 2-3 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. Best to let the mix sit for 1-2 days before you use. If you use lime or eggs it does take a few days for your plant to start taking it up and it will last longer then most other nutrients do. You should only need to feed your plant cal/mag 1-2 times a season. Also calcium (egg shells/dolomite lime) will help bring up your PH from an acidic soil caused by using to much fertilizer.

I hope this helps you or anyone else that reads this. =)


Dolomite lime is great and I would say use it if you can.If you can't find/afford it then here's something else you can use that works just as well. *I used it this year*

Take your old used egg shells (6-12) and wash them with water.Let dry or put into the oven on a baking sheet at 350 for 15 mins or until light brown. *keep an eye on them and don't let them burn*. Take them out and let them cool. Now you need to grind them up till they are powder (the finer the better). Use 2-3 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. Best to let the mix sit for 1-2 days before you use. If you use lime or eggs it does take a few days for your plant to start taking it up and it will last longer then most other nutrients do. You should only need to feed your plant cal/mag 1-2 times a season. Also calcium (egg shells/dolomite lime) will help bring up your PH from an acidic soil caused by using to much fertilizer.

I hope this helps you or anyone else that reads this. =)
Ok thanks alot i'll try this as i've been saving egg shell's, i knew they'd come in handy in my first grow.

I know'd you said about adding the egg shell power to the water but could you just add it to the mix as you would with dolomite lime?

Thanks. :))


Well-Known Member
Yes you can just add it to the mix or on top of the soil...both work. If you already have them in the ground. Using it with the water helps the egg shells get down to the roots faster.If your going to add it to the mix...1 cup for 5 gallons should be right on for what you will need.More can always be added later as needed.


Well-Known Member

I'm about to start my first grow, i'll be using bio bizz grow & bloom. Because i'm new to this i don't want to mess it up especially as i'm growing for the oil to help someone's cancer. I heard that liquid egg shell fertilizer helps neutralize the pH so i was thinking of adding the bio grow / bloom to the liquid egg shell water so i lower the risks of over dosing or not using enough nutes, is this a good idea? Because i believe having the acidity too high or too low can cause problems. Although i hear it's best to keep the pH at 5.8-6.2 i believe 7.0 is fine, and i really don't have the money to be spending loads on pH meters and all that. I was told the egg shells are 95% calcium so they're good for the plant anyway.

It's so much easier to just add some dolomite lime...