Good God, where to start. Erm.
OK, first of all, LSD in its pure form is a solid. Unless you are an LSD
kingpin, you have never seen it in this state. By the time it gets to your dealer's dealer's dealer, it will most likely be dissolved into a suitable solvent. Ethanol is often the solvent of choice, and the most widely available and cheapest form of near-pure ethanol is high-proof liquors. Everclear is the one in question here.
The reason for putting LSD into a solvent is simple-- titration. When you buy a "hit" of acid, it can be anywhere between 50 and 200
micrograms. If you need a bit of a visual comparison, a regular, Advil brand pill of ibuprofen is 200mg. So, considering even the large end of my example, 200 mcg, that tiny little Advil is the weight equivalent of 1000 (one thousand) good sized "hits" of LSD. If we consider the low end of my example (weak doses), it is like splitting an advil up into 4000 (four thousand) equal parts. Do you see how this could be a problem? As far as dropping it in your eye, I do not recommend it. I have done it before, and it is not particularly pleasant, nor did it seem to change the effect of the LSD in any way. I think the entire idea came from some idiotic urban legend that said that if administered ocularly, the LSD would make the experience more "visual".
Oh, and bluntedinwarren, unless you have a
very serious lab and have done at least some post-graduate work in chemistry (as in, you are almost to a PhD), or have equivalent knowledge and experience in a lab setting; LSD is probably out of the question as far as a doable synthesis. If you want to do some fun entheogenic kitchen chemistry, try to do an LSA extraction from Morning Glory seeds, or make a high-purity Salvinorin A freebase from Salvia Divinorum. They are both moderately easy, and will give you some fun things with which to play.
I hope I have helped clear up any misconceptions. Oh and for God's sake, go visit:
the Lycaeum - Entheogenic Database & Community
If you ever have any question about entheogens (which is the term we now use in lieu of the archaic "psychadelics" or even "hallucinagens") or any drug at all, these places will have volumes of information. Be sure to read exhaustively, however, because it is not all necessarily accurate, as they are both archives that have material published over many years, and both exist on donations, thus not having the manpower to police the archives for outdated or inaccurate reports. However, i think they are the best resources we have on the net. Worst case, you can have a laugh at the trip reports of nutmeg users.