liquid oxygen


Active Member

i have an over watering problem with my plants,

left the for a few days the soil feels very dry even when i poke my finger down into it makes a hole defo dry...

so my roots still aren't getting oxygen eh... i am spraying water onto the leaves just to keep them from getting cooked in the grow room....

i ordered a bottle of liquid oxygen... only cheap.... now do i add a small amount to some water and water the plants with it yeah...

thing is it says handle with gloves when i was ordering how volitile is this stuff and can i hurt my plants with it>?

be great if someone could get back to me as i need to get my plants back at 100 percent


Active Member
how does it add o2 to the soil.... i have some just watered the plants by adding a few pinches to some water.. hydrogen peroxide is what liquid oxygen is by the way . only cheap read somewhere that is what you need to add...

so this Epsom salts trick will work yeah??

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
it will, not sure how much to add, but a post will answer your question. My OG turned me onto epsom salts like a month ago, havent turned to them yet, but planning on this month


Well-Known Member
Ive used epsom to add magnesium, never heard of it adding oxygen, I have sometimes added peroxcide diluted in water to give my roots some oxygen.
Do epsom salts reveal an oxygen atom when disolved? active ingrediant on my carton is magnesium sulfate, anyways when ive used it to add magnesium ive diluted 1 tbs per 1 gallon of distilled water. ive heard that warm water helps for rapid disolve (dont water em while still warmer than ambiant temp), it takes me quite awhile in room temp water to get it disolved.
However, adding more water, even oxygen enriched probobly isnt the answer to over watering, id let em just dry up some they will improve. Are you using soil with alot of moisture retention? Maybe this is misdiagnosed? I have to ask 1 stupid question, you do have drainage holes yes? The top could feel dry and they could be in a reletive swamp. But im assuming you are more experienced than that if you realize the roots do need oxygen, still had to ask.
Oh and btw dont use epsom too often, as with anything, a little goes a long way!


Active Member

i think it is over watering tbh, plants and leaves look healthy. but the leaves have drooped and the new leaves coming out of the top seem smaller and more compact..... they look like ive just flushed them with water all droopy ...

and they have not had water for a day or so and the soil is dry... i can poke my finger in and it will go as far in as i push and leave a perfect hole feels dry in there.....

grrrrrr.... other then looking droopys they look really healthy... they look like they need water..... but i added some water with epsom slats like the guy said.... mixed in with water and they look as droopy as ever so they dont want any water....

orderd some liquid oxygen should be with me on tuesday... i hope it sorts them out... i have the plants over by my window out of the grow bay on stands and yeah they have drain holes...

how much of this peroxcide do i add to say 1 liter of water? and do i give them a heavy soaking in the mixture... ?


Active Member
what about taking the 2 plants out of the pots.. break free any lose soil and re pot and add some extra soil... there about 5-6 weeks old 4 nodes or so good few big bushy leaves...?


Well-Known Member

i have an over watering problem with my plants,

left the for a few days the soil feels very dry even when i poke my finger down into it makes a hole defo dry...

so my roots still aren't getting oxygen eh... i am spraying water onto the leaves just to keep them from getting cooked in the grow room....

i ordered a bottle of liquid oxygen... only cheap.... now do i add a small amount to some water and water the plants with it yeah...

thing is it says handle with gloves when i was ordering how volitile is this stuff and can i hurt my plants with it>?

be great if someone could get back to me as i need to get my plants back at 100 percent
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Liquid O2 is only liquid under pressure and it expelled from the container at a negative 275 degrees. It will freeze the water and anything else it contacts in an instant. Look up LOX. This is not possible bro.


Active Member
easy dude... i mean the product called liquid oxygen... for hydro systems (hydrogen peroxide)..


Well-Known Member
how much of this peroxcide do i add to say 1 liter of water? and do i give them a heavy soaking in the mixture... ?
Maybe a cap full per liter, ive never used it when ive seen a problem though, ive just done it during building up after cloning, to help younger roots get off to a better start. Have you visited that link that breaks down all the problems with pics? plant probs and cures under general growing real good thread, ive spent alot reading that. Im getting a red flag that they are so dry and still showing this. One more thought, could they be rootbound? Or is spraying with lights on doing em harm? maybe do that when the light is almost off. Stronger the light, that could be actually be doing the cooking and not the lack of water on the leaves, remember that water magnifies. Any pics?


Well-Known Member
easy dude... i mean the product called liquid oxygen... for hydro systems (hydrogen peroxide)..
your on about h202 i use it regular you can also get liquid silicon i use them toraise and lower my ph but you alsouse the h202 to oxegenate your water

add the h202 1ml per liter then i get a straw and blow bubbles in my water for a few mins then i get a hand sprayer set it to spray in a jet and put a few squirts around each plant depending on the size depends on amount of squirts but u wanna soak the soil.
the pressure used to squirt ur water creates extra oxegen leave until dry and repeat untill they perk up. u can do it with plain water until ur h202 arrives. giv me rep if it works cos i developed it myself and it sorts my plants in no time. safe


New Member
When I read this I honestly thought you bought a small amount of real liquid oxygen, LOL. I was omg does this guy know how dangerous that stuff is?? hahah the shuttle rides on 2 things for its liquid boosters. Butane and oxygen. Oxygen in raw form is some of the nastiest stuff out there...


Well-Known Member
yes mate sounds mad i know but it works so i use it, u dont have to but i thought id put it out there for u to try if need be


New Member
I got like 6-7 aquarium pumps around for various setups. I would think an air stone in it for 30 might give you more oxygen, and not include any biologicals from spit, etc...


Active Member
cheers guys for getting back to me.... meh i hope that Epsom slats watering i gave it has not fucked me even harder after reading the first response. have that liquid oxygen on Tuesday.. get them started on that..

bought only 5 ppp fems this time round and only 2 made it due to me being rusty, first grow since start of last year... they both looked great until this started

i re potted them both in the meantime broke away lose soil got some air to the roots left them in a bin liner by the window for 20 minutes and broke soil up lose at the base and replanted, got the bottoms of the pots on bottled water caps so they are raised from the ground so air can get under

bollox to it... really hope this peroxide dose the trick.


Well-Known Member
easy dude... i mean the product called liquid oxygen... for hydro systems (hydrogen peroxide)..
LOL!I was thinking someone was about to freeze some finger tips and have them break off like an icicle. SAFETY FIRST