List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

Just read your post Check this out Federal
Judge says I have Article III standing (p. 5) in Boyd v Santa Cruz County et al. 10/13/2015 ORDER GRANTING MOTIONS TO DISMISS WITH LEAVE TO AMEND

glad you got a good lawyer and are standing up the real cartels ...
The county board of supervisors and sheriff promised the community that if they supported the cannabis tax the money would only go towards getting rid of what they described as "the bad actors". They clearly defined "the bad actors" as being cartels, people growing on public land/parks, and people causing environmental damage such as cutting down redwoods or diverting streams. They also promised that even in these situations they would send out people from the planning department to inspect the grows, not law enforcement.

They made these promises over and over again. They were very clear about it. They said it publicly in front of cameras probably a few hundred times. Their support for the tax was based on these statements. The second they had the tax money they immediately just started busting every grow the could. They have 20-30 sheriffs at these raids using military tactics, which they also promised not to do.

Basically, they lied to everyone.
"Bad Actors" also includes clubs that do not pay their taxes .................which includes Granny Purps. And less then 3 months after his grow site of 2,000 plants in popped ...........yet another one of his sites is busted ... and this time he gets arrested.
"Bad Actors" also includes clubs that do not pay their taxes .................which includes Granny Purps. And less then 3 months after his grow site of 2,000 plants in popped ...........yet another one of his sites is busted ... and this time he gets arrested.
Granny Purps supported the tax. They reap what they sow... I warned them. Greenway gave me a receipt for the tax back in January 2015 that gave me standing to sue in federal court. God blessed us with Lisa. Now I am a patient, not a caregiver. This is important because there is no "medical necessity" to being a medical marijuana caregiver. If you read Judge Freeman's Order she talks about there being no "medical necessity defense" in the case she's citing. She's talking about a caregiver aka dispensaries claiming that as defense to the feds shutting them down. There is no constitutional protection because only patients have a "medical necessity" not caregivers. This means there is medical necessity for medical marijuana patients whose access is based on constitutional substantive due process rights the law offends, and this is a matter no Article III court has reached yet. Except the door is now open to do so in my case now. My case is about enforcing the Constitution not challenging some statutory authority that would require a defense instead.
Coastal leaf Collective / Coastal leaf

Appeared at the fish hook (on highway) on the map for weedmaps. They also had there delivery service was also on budfinder,and a few otheronline sites that help you find your medicine. So I started with putting a 1/4 lb of Ak-47 & a 1/4 lb of Jack wreck. Indoor tested at sc labs at 23% & 20% and I gave him vape pens ,we had a scheduled date to meet and the guy flaked ,and upon meeting short notice days later to a call ( I like to give collectives room to breath, as this business can get hectic.) Upon meeting him he said he had 400$ of our 1600$ payout ,he explains how because he is new to the area thing have been moving slow ,and so they may have to go back to the valley to get more work... I had other flowers on me at the team and he was asking if I could put more on consignment as he had brought me money for the pens as well ,so ,reluctantly (with the idea that I'm helping a new delivery service to the area,I Was Doing The Guy a Favor for crying out loud.) I gave him another qp and another I think it was 9 vape pens,THE NAME HE GAVE ME WAS "COLBY" .(NOW ON A SIDE NOTE THESE VAPE PENS ARE a Full Gram Each GOOD AND CHEAP I was selling them at 15$ allowing him to do 30$ And undercut the market As herbal cruz and several other places have other brands at 35-45 @ 1/2 gram and some brands have a full gram. (GO TO KIND PEOPLES AND TRY THE DRAGON VAPE ,THEY TASTE GREAT LAST LONG AND THERE ONLY A 30$ FULL GRAM!!!) Now a week passes and I check his inventory online and he is selling them at 45$ a piece ,new or not ,the point was to get you customers, but instead the guy acts greedy And With NO overhead or not as much as as Brick and Morter,the guy took a great deal that could have set him apart from the competition, and he shit on it. I'm waiting ,give a call after another week on a scheduled date ,with no reply I wait patiently another day ,and receive a call where after a short conversation he tells me that he is sory to inform me that he did have car problems with his truck and had used the money he was going to pay me ,to fix his truck (with the excuse that ,with no truck there is no delivery service,but ,Is That My Responsibility. ....the guy used me for his monetary gain with that one statement he's letting me know I made a mistake trusting he sais he is going to go to the valley for a week ,and that is he needed he could come with half they full payout Rite there & then. ( I guess I should have told him to come see me) ...I told him to relax and that weed meet soon and id call him again the next day ...24 hours later I call him we talked ,he informs me he is having a baby soon ,and we scheduled another date to meet for the full payout of 2000,I let one week pass ,with two calls through the the whole week to Check on Progress and inventory, in the previous conversation he had mentioned that he might need to trade me back the ak 47 ,I told him that this was not a problem.....after a week went by I started to wory. I won't lie I sort of riffles him with calls the next couple days .... regardless of what is true or not ,for him to cut me off cold turkey and not give me a heads up or anything to go off of leads me to belive that everything he said was made up and that I had been Gyped. After about another week I started to freak out a little bit and Ran his name And number ,Email address and company name to see where he was based out of and found that he had given me a fake name and is based out of Sacramento His name is "CODY STANFILL"39 years old wears gages ,maybe a hipster .....I'm putting this post out with hopes that if this happened to any other vendor/growers in the Santa Cruz area that they will contact me at my email address [email protected]
And we can link up and find a way to track this son of a b$!%h,I called weedmaps customer service with hopes that I'd be able to take some sort of legal action towards the guy and get him by the ball at his house in the mail.....but I'm really not that kind of guy .....more the kid gloves kind of guy ......but either way I feel there is no choice but to take this asswhole to court if I can't at the very least get his current address, when I payed the 1.95 on the background check website 7 address came up as where he's lived .....I have a lot to go by .....but still don't really know what to do ....IF ANYONE KNOWS OF THIS DELIVERY AND HAS EXPERIENCED THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME ......IT'S EASIER FOR OUR VOICES TO BE HEARD IF WE BAND TOGETHER !!!!!
Coastal leaf Collective / Coastal leaf

Appeared at the fish hook (on highway) on the map for weedmaps. They also had there delivery service was also on budfinder,and a few otheronline sites that help you find your medicine. So I started with putting a 1/4 lb of Ak-47 & a 1/4 lb of Jack wreck. Indoor tested at sc labs at 23% & 20% and I gave him vape pens ,we had a scheduled date to meet and the guy flaked ,and upon meeting short notice days later to a call ( I like to give collectives room to breath, as this business can get hectic.) Upon meeting him he said he had 400$ of our 1600$ payout ,he explains how because he is new to the area thing have been moving slow ,and so they may have to go back to the valley to get more work... I had other flowers on me at the team and he was asking if I could put more on consignment as he had brought me money for the pens as well ,so ,reluctantly (with the idea that I'm helping a new delivery service to the area,I Was Doing The Guy a Favor for crying out loud.) I gave him another qp and another I think it was 9 vape pens,THE NAME HE GAVE ME WAS "COLBY" .(NOW ON A SIDE NOTE THESE VAPE PENS ARE a Full Gram Each GOOD AND CHEAP I was selling them at 15$ allowing him to do 30$ And undercut the market As herbal cruz and several other places have other brands at 35-45 @ 1/2 gram and some brands have a full gram. (GO TO KIND PEOPLES AND TRY THE DRAGON VAPE ,THEY TASTE GREAT LAST LONG AND THERE ONLY A 30$ FULL GRAM!!!) Now a week passes and I check his inventory online and he is selling them at 45$ a piece ,new or not ,the point was to get you customers, but instead the guy acts greedy And With NO overhead or not as much as as Brick and Morter,the guy took a great deal that could have set him apart from the competition, and he shit on it. I'm waiting ,give a call after another week on a scheduled date ,with no reply I wait patiently another day ,and receive a call where after a short conversation he tells me that he is sory to inform me that he did have car problems with his truck and had used the money he was going to pay me ,to fix his truck (with the excuse that ,with no truck there is no delivery service,but ,Is That My Responsibility. ....the guy used me for his monetary gain with that one statement he's letting me know I made a mistake trusting he sais he is going to go to the valley for a week ,and that is he needed he could come with half they full payout Rite there & then. ( I guess I should have told him to come see me) ...I told him to relax and that weed meet soon and id call him again the next day ...24 hours later I call him we talked ,he informs me he is having a baby soon ,and we scheduled another date to meet for the full payout of 2000,I let one week pass ,with two calls through the the whole week to Check on Progress and inventory, in the previous conversation he had mentioned that he might need to trade me back the ak 47 ,I told him that this was not a problem.....after a week went by I started to wory. I won't lie I sort of riffles him with calls the next couple days .... regardless of what is true or not ,for him to cut me off cold turkey and not give me a heads up or anything to go off of leads me to belive that everything he said was made up and that I had been Gyped. After about another week I started to freak out a little bit and Ran his name And number ,Email address and company name to see where he was based out of and found that he had given me a fake name and is based out of Sacramento His name is "CODY STANFILL"39 years old wears gages ,maybe a hipster .....I'm putting this post out with hopes that if this happened to any other vendor/growers in the Santa Cruz area that they will contact me at my email address [email protected]
And we can link up and find a way to track this son of a b$!%h,I called weedmaps customer service with hopes that I'd be able to take some sort of legal action towards the guy and get him by the ball at his house in the mail.....but I'm really not that kind of guy .....more the kid gloves kind of guy ......but either way I feel there is no choice but to take this asswhole to court if I can't at the very least get his current address, when I payed the 1.95 on the background check website 7 address came up as where he's lived .....I have a lot to go by .....but still don't really know what to do ....IF ANYONE KNOWS OF THIS DELIVERY AND HAS EXPERIENCED THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME ......IT'S EASIER FOR OUR VOICES TO BE HEARD IF WE BAND TOGETHER !!!!!
"Bad Actors" also includes clubs that do not pay their taxes .................which includes Granny Purps. And less then 3 months after his grow site of 2,000 plants in popped ...........yet another one of his sites is busted ... and this time he gets arrested.
Do you have an article about J.D. Black (aka Jeffrey David Sudman) being arrested?
He is a very dark man with an extensive felony record.
Can see some of his misdeeds on the site.
Just use his real and legal name (aka)
Digital Man, Thank you!
I hope that Jeffrey D. Sudman (J.D. Black) is still there.
He should stay in jail for all the bad he's brought into the world.
I wonder if it was for growing or committing more pedophilia offenses?
Digital Man, Thank you!
I hope that Jeffrey D. Sudman (J.D. Black) is still there.
He should stay in jail for all the bad he's brought into the world.
I wonder if it was for growing or committing more pedophilia offenses?
For growing ............ he's out and suing the county I heard. He'll lose of course but it'll be a nice payday for Ben Rice.
Jeffrey Sudman/JD Black is getting what he justly deserves.
He deserves so much have no idea ...what he justly deserves goes way beyond this....there are many other facts that cant be put out in public forum that are facts.....knowledge that you couldnt even imagine....hes exactly what was said dark evil man while giving you a bro hug with a knife up his sleeve stabbing you in the back with a my opinion.....
He deserves so much have no idea ...what he justly deserves goes way beyond this....there are many other facts that cant be put out in public forum that are facts.....knowledge that you couldnt even imagine....hes exactly what was said dark evil man while giving you a bro hug with a knife up his sleeve stabbing you in the back with a my opinion.....
Even though he's had his hand in my pocket so to speak .................. I've met way worse. My opinion of the guy (right or wrong) is that he actually means well but ...... like a kid in a candy store ... could not contol his urges to use Granny Purps as his personal ATM. My fault was I wasn't on the look-out for such behavior and I missed all the signs he operated in such fashion. In fact all I had to do was search his name using Google and it would have been laid out right in front of me ......
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So in light of trying to stay true to this thread I thought I'd throw out some objective advice as it pertains to avoiding getting ripped off as a vendor.

* If you MUST go consignment ............start off VERY small volume wise on your first deal.... two weeks worth max. This way if they fuck you ...... it's not enough to get enraged about. Keep to that arrangement for as long as possible. Basically you are giving Net 15 for 2 weeks worth of product. A net win ...........In this case ...... it is fair to both sides. You as the supplier have no incentive to veer from this course unless .....

* Some Dispensaries buy up front and prefer it that way. Don't assume all of them wish to consign and string you along. . When you feel they like your product, ask them what their typical payment terms are ......... if they are the COD type, move them to the front of the line as far as priority accounts. Smart and well managed/funded Dispensarieries operate this way for a reason ........ they get better service and support from their vendors. In some markets, this is the difference between winning and losing ...............

* In markets where there are pretty tight ordinanaces ........... do your homework and determine if the club you are trying to break into is actually one that is somewhat approved and accredited.
If it's not .. there's a story behind it and in every case ..... it's not good for you. Act ocordingly. These operators have very little leverage and only are able to seize control of a deal with the uninformed. Don't want to be that guy ...........