Filthy Phil
Well-Known Member
"we" arent making these up, vast groups of other people have. This is common oppinion outside the insular bubbles of religion. I wish I could take credit for all these big bang theory, I wish I could take credit for that. It was teams of brilliant minds more educated and intelligent than ours who came up with such theories.Here we go again, all your big words and grandious lecturing but still nothing. There are very valid and provable things that science has given us and there some very stupid thigs that they expect us to believe as well. There has been plenty of substance to my past criticism but it always ends up instead of you saying "hey you may have a point there" you would rather explain it off as someone is not educated enough to understand or it is not a fair question.
It really amazes me that you and the like are so against anything that could be construed as "Christian" that you would rather make up new ideas and theories than delve into the possibility that maybe you are looking in the wrong direction. It really could be dangerous to have so much contempt for something you know nothing about.