• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Listen up MT patients & caregivers: Our medical marijuana law is being challenged...

Hi all. I'm both a caregiver and patient in the Bozeman area.
Lately it has come to my attention that our Medical Marijuana law is being challenged on two fronts, politically and legally. The first is a group in Billings called "Safe Community Safe Kids", and is based out of Billings. This group has started petitions to get a ballot measure on the state ballot for the state elections that are to be held here in Nov. 2010. The ballot measure is to repeal the Montana Medical Marijuana act ( the very law that allows us to be patients and caregivers legally in this state). They are headed by an old skank by the name of Cherrie Brady. Here is a link to their website: http://safecommt.org/ They have 17 anti- Montana medical marijuana videos posted on this website that are currently being hosted on youtube; calling for MT residents to sign their fucking petitions and vote to repeal the Montana Medical Marijuana Act this November. On this website they lie, lie, lie. About anything and everything about medical marijuana to try and scare people who are not informed in order to persuade them to support the legal revocation of our M.M. law. Here is a perfect example, check this idiot out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4sSiUDOZFM&feature=player_embedded


Please read the below article, this explains it all:

Group up against tight deadline in effort to vote out marijuana law

By RICHARD ECKE • Tribune Staff Writer • June 5, 2010
A Billings-based group hopes to get an issue on the Nov. 2 ballots in Montana to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law.
It’s a tall order, considering the deadline to collect signatures is June 18 — less than two weeks away.
A proposed ballot issue first must navigate a state labyrinth. The Montana Secretary of State’s Office received the materials May 25. Then, the Legislative Services Division conducted a review and passed it on to the Attorney General’s Office late Wednesday.
Judy Beck, spokeswoman for the Montana Department of Justice, said Friday that Attorney General Steve Bullock’s office has received the information and wrote a summary of the ballot issue late this week.
Beck said Bullock’s office set a deadline of noon June 11 for interested parties to comment on or accept the wording that would be placed on the ballot.
After that, the proposal goes back to the secretary of state for final action.
Because of the required steps and the late nature of the group’s submission, organizers will have one week or less to collect more than 24,000 signatures.
“The biggest challenge is time,” said Pam Christianson of Billings, one of the ballot issue’s supporters. She said the notion of trying to gather so many signatures in just a few days “doesn’t sound too promising.”

Cherrie Brady of Billings submitted the repeal proposal to Secretary of State Linda McCullough.
About 62 percent of Montana voters approved a medical marijuana ballot issue in 2004.
“We do believe that most of the people in Montana feel that this is not what they voted for,” Christianson said. “We believe that it is time to take back our great state, to end the mess that has been created.”
Signatures from 24,337 registered voters would be required, including at least 5 percent of registered voters from each of the 34 Montana House legislative districts, in order to get the issue on the ballot.
So they have very little time to accomplish getting this on the ballot, as the article explains above.
We need to do ANYTHING we can to FUCK WITH THEM in order to keep them from accomplishing their goal. If you see people trying to get people to sign a anti-MM petition in front of a grocery store or in public, be sure to publicly humiliate them for taking away sick peoples medecine. Don't get your ass arrested, but be sure to read them the riot act LOUDLY about how you feel about what they are trying to do. Embarrass them. If they are on private property gathering signatures like in front of Albertsons grocery store, for example; complain to the manager. If enough people complain they will be told to leave, as businesses do not want to lose customers.

By the way, Cherrie Brady, the wench behind all this crap lives in Billings. She is the 'Citizen Sponsor' for the Bill to repeal the MT medical marijuana act.
Her address is 5032 Poly Drive, Billings MT 59106. Be sure to send her a letter, and tell her how you feel about this crap- or better yet, give the Bitch a call on the phone and tell her what you think, her phone number is: 406-656-4988. I got this info. off of a public records database, anyone can access it online, so it can be legally posted on the net. When you first get on their website, a vid will pop up w/ two brain dead blonde's explaining how they are going to get the MM law repealed. the older one, on the right is Cherrie. Be sure to rate their videos on youtube for the garbage they are. Also, in their videos all the stooges who lie abpout how BAD medical marijuana give their full names. Easy to find their info on Zabasearch, and it's free:
http://www.zabasearch.com/ Be sure to give these jokers a call also, and tell them what you think. Go ahead and waste their time w/ whatever (the less time they have, the less damage they can do), or just go ahead and tell them what you think.

We need to get on this now folks, we CAN defeat them from getting this bill on the ballot in Nov., if WE are proactive and stir up enough shit against these idiots they wont even find the time to take a shit if we hit them from as many sides as possible.

By the way, I am EnsoBoy on MT caregivers network website and also commenting as same in the Billings Gazette forums.

Now get out there AND FIGHT THESE SUCKERS!!!

Herbal T

Hey Trailer Park,
I'm a RIU member in Missoula, and I just heard about this fear mongering attempt to take away safe medicine. I tried to watch the youtube video link with the old, shifty-eyed guy and you can barely even hear him talk, which shows what amateurs they are. These people are obviously as aware of recording quality as they are of reality. And what's with the bandana? does he think he's Jon Voight in Midnight Cowboy? Well, he's obviously a prostitute, so it makes sense. You're not kidding, these people are F'd in the head and we need to respond with as much truth as they have lies, because lies have away of becoming common thought when repeated to gullible ears enough times like the psychology behind commercials. I'm getting the word out to folks here to be aware of this madness, so let me know if there's any better ways to get action to put 'em in their place or anything I can do to help the cause.

:peace:, :idea: ,:leaf:
All of the videos they have posted are of relatively poor quality; I really had to crank up the stereo to hear the guy. Some how he is claiming that because modern "Hybrid" marijuana, which he claims has a THC potency of 60%, (first lie) is 200 times more carcinogenic than a Marlboro cigarette because of this increased potency (second lie). the guy is definitely confused. He also claims that the MT MML allows a cardholder to posess 24,000 marijuana cigarettes (joints) a year. He rationalizes this by saying that you can get 2.5 pounds of weed from one plant, times six (plants) times 60 joints in an ounce, and somehow does the math to try and make this sound plausible. Total bullshit and lies. By the way this man is the "Illegal Drug Coordinator for the Elks Club for the Sate of Montana, and has held this position for 10 years...Apparently he and his people think this makes him an authority on Medical Marijuana, when in reality he is nothing more than a blithering old fool suffering from geriatric pre-dementia syndrome (alzheimers onset).

The latest from Tom Daubert is that these people will only have 6 days to get 24,400 signatures on their petition to put the ballot measure to repeal the MT medical marijuana law on the ballot for Nov.. If all goes 'well' for them, the MT State Attorney will approve their proposed ballot measure 6/12. They then only have until 6/18 to get their sigs. (that is the deadline for the Nov. 2010 elections.) He believes there is no way in hell they will make the deadline. I also think it's pretty unlikely they will make it. However, our next worry is Sate Senator Jim Shockley, out of Victor who says he is going to sponsor a bill in the legislature to repeal the law next February when the state legislature meets again (yes, they can do this). If Shockley does this, the bill could pass as there will probably be a Republican majority in the state senate and house after Nov.

Typically the Repubs. here in MT hate medical marijuana, and with all the anti-Democrat sentiment caused by the fools in Washington, it looks like there will be a Republican majority in the Senate and House after Nov...


She and her cronies are probably the fucking asshats behind the fire bombings in Billings if i had to wager a guess. Hopefully this is true and she will be in prison shortly.

Herbal T

Oh yeah, Jim Shockley. He is the bright legislator that said this about the MM law:

“It was a good idea, poorly executed,” Shockley said Tuesday. “I wouldn’t want everybody growing (prescription painkiller) Percocet, either.”

This clown is probably one of the imbeciles who actually believe cannabis is addictive and deadly and refuses to listen to any facts that contradict their spiteful ignorance.

Well, I have a suggestion for a new law.. Every legislator, and law enforcement officer must be required to have an IQ higher than their shoe size. Anybody want to sign my petition to get it on the ballot?

funk ya

Holly Shit Man !! If we dont fight back.... what are we going to do.... just sit back , head in hole ? Im ready to either have a march on the state capital to bring positive media attention, or get out our own petition... we have the right to fight back!! WE SHOULD !!
Holly Shit Man !! If we dont fight back.... what are we going to do.... just sit back , head in hole ? Im ready to either have a march on the state capital to bring positive media attention, or get out our own petition... we have the right to fight back!! WE SHOULD !!
Well; it Don't look like Cherrie Brady and her fellow slags @ SafeKids-Safecommunities are going to get the signatures they need by Friday at 5 pm (the deadline) to get their initiative on the ballot. Good. However, these shitheads (our legislators) led by Mr. State Senator Jim Shockley of Victor are planning to try and fuck us when the legislature re-convenes in Feb 2011... We need to have some good protests up there and DEMONSTRATE for our cause! Anybody got any ideas? There was a protest at Centennial park in Billings today (across from where the Safe-Kids Safe Community Jerks were gathering signatures) and it was led by Laura Murphy who is the only person licensed to grow hemp by the Fed's in the state of Montana and also is a caregiver (owns Healing Center) in Bozeman...Maybe she would be up for such a challenge?

Say, 5000 card holders show up in Helena at the legislature; I'll bet that would get some attention...


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why people blindly believe these schmucks! I mean I would only sign a petition if I was completly educated about the issue and I believed that it would help all of us. I just cant morally and logically justify re-criminalising MMJ! How when it has helped so many people with no bad side effects. Damn just thinking of that makes me all flustered! For all you in Montana......stand strong my brothers and sisters! You would think they would start campaining over alcohol and drunk drivers, alcoholics, heroin, coke, ectasy, but no.....its gotta be the one thing that could help us all and possibly take care of a lot of countrys debt. Wish I coud just grab these people and shake them till they understood LOL!


Active Member
People all over america r misinformed and scared of the mary jane. Y i have no idea most r old who have never tried it and c stupid movies and comercials bout things that would never happen stupid shit. I hear everyday o some one died cause they were drinking or got in a head on collision alcohol may have been involved. Its all bull shit I dont remember people ever saying o he hit those people cause he was all stoned nope dont think so. So y dont they ban alcohol saw wolf blitzer ask this on cnn to the drug czar of u.s the other day and he was like no way r u crazy but then wolf asked well with all the alcohol related problems y dont u ban it and make marijuana legal it is by the way less dangerous. Then the guy comes back and said no way alcohol is more dangerous mary jane and compared it 2 haroine i mean WTF the people who r wanting to ban and b stupid fuck head need to smoke a joint and chill the fuck out. We r not cramming it down your throat or n e thing saw that crazy bitch the first dude was talkin bout today in billings and i stoped and talked to her cause i wanted to c her side and i ended up arguing with her cause she had her head up her ass. So that people is the kind of shit we r dealing with uneducated people i asked this one person i knew who hates weed if she was for hemp and she had no idea what that was kinda funny. Just uneducated people they say we r the dumb stoners but at least we dont have r heads up r asses like most these stupid fear mongering ass holes i hope weed gets leagalized and all the mother fuckers with b put in there place. Plus the world would smell a whole shit ton better if everyone was smoking the ganja.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
People all over america r misinformed and scared of the mary jane. Y i have no idea most r old who have never tried it and c stupid movies and comercials bout things that would never happen stupid shit. I hear everyday o some one died cause they were drinking or got in a head on collision alcohol may have been involved. Its all bull shit I dont remember people ever saying o he hit those people cause he was all stoned nope dont think so. So y dont they ban alcohol saw wolf blitzer ask this on cnn to the drug czar of u.s the other day and he was like no way r u crazy but then wolf asked well with all the alcohol related problems y dont u ban it and make marijuana legal it is by the way less dangerous. Then the guy comes back and said no way alcohol is more dangerous mary jane and compared it 2 haroine i mean WTF the people who r wanting to ban and b stupid fuck head need to smoke a joint and chill the fuck out. We r not cramming it down your throat or n e thing saw that crazy bitch the first dude was talkin bout today in billings and i stoped and talked to her cause i wanted to c her side and i ended up arguing with her cause she had her head up her ass. So that people is the kind of shit we r dealing with uneducated people i asked this one person i knew who hates weed if she was for hemp and she had no idea what that was kinda funny. Just uneducated people they say we r the dumb stoners but at least we dont have r heads up r asses like most these stupid fear mongering ass holes i hope weed gets leagalized and all the mother fuckers with b put in there place. Plus the world would smell a whole shit ton better if everyone was smoking the ganja.
well said.